I wrote some thoughts after attending the first #AEWCollision show in Chicago and CM Punk's return to #AEW:
#tbcontent #wrestling #prowrestling #allelitewrestling #aew #aewcollision
#Ingrown were in #Chicago this past Tuesday night opening for Obituary and Immolation. The band ripped on stage with some great #hardcore. Check out a few songs from their set:
#tbcontent #livemusic #hardcoremusic #hardcore #Chicago #ingrown
#Obituary played a lot of songs from their new album "Dying of Everything" this past Tuesday night at the Metro in Chicago. The songs all killed live. Here's the band playing one of them, "Barely Alive":
#DyingOfEverything #deathmetal #metal #metalmusic #metalshow #metalconcert #livemusic #tbcontent
#tbcontent #livemusic #metalconcert #metalshow #metalmusic #Metal #deathmetal #dyingofeverything #obituary
Blood Incantation were in Chicago this past Tuesday night supporting Obituary and Immolation. They're a really awesome band that I've wanted to see live for a long time. Here's them playing "Chaoplasm" off the band's album "Starspawn."
#BloodIncantation #Starspawn #deathmetal #metal #metalmusic #metalshow #metalconcert #tbcontent
#tbcontent #metalconcert #metalshow #metalmusic #Metal #deathmetal #starspawn #bloodincantation
#Immolation came through Chicago last night and destroyed. Here's the band playing the new song "The Age of No Light "from their latest album "Acts of God."
#TheAgeOfNoLight #ActsOfGod #deathmetal #metal #metalmusic #metalconcert #tbcontent
#tbcontent #metalconcert #metalmusic #Metal #deathmetal #ActsofGod #theageofnolight #immolation
#Obituary came to Chicago last night and crushed it! Here's the band playing "The Wrong Time" from their new album:
#DyingOfEverything #deathmetal #metal #metalmusic #metalconcert #tbcontent
#tbcontent #metalconcert #metalmusic #Metal #deathmetal #dyingofeverything #obituary
I wrote about the #DeathToAll show I went to last month with photos and videos from that night:
#Suffocation #Nukem #Deathband #metal #deathmetal #thrashmetal #metalmusic #music #concertphotography #tbcontent
#concertphotography #Music #deathband #tbcontent #metalmusic #ThrashMetal #deathmetal #Metal #nukem #suffocation #deathtoall
In addition to my recap video on Midwest Gaming Classic, I also wrote an article with more details about my experience and photos from the show:
#MidwestGamingClassic #gaming #videogames #retrogames #retrogaming #retro #Nintendo #PlayStation #Xbox #Atari #Sega #photography #tbcontent
#tbcontent #Photography #sega #atari #xbox #Playstation #Nintendo #retro #retrogaming #retrogames #videogames #Gaming #MidWestGamingClassic
I went to the Midwest Gaming Classic last weekend in downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin and it was so awesome! It's one of the best conventions out there. Watch my recap video of my time at the show, playing games, exploring video game history, checking out vendors and my game haul from the convention!
#MidwestGamingClassic #gaming #videogames #retrogames #retrogaming #retro #Nintendo #PlayStation #Xbox #Atari #Sega #tbcontent
#sega #atari #xbox #Playstation #Nintendo #retro #tbcontent #retrogaming #retrogames #videogames #Gaming #MidWestGamingClassic
Played through one of the chapters in the new Resident Evil 4 remake. The game is fantastic. Check out the gameplay:
#ResidentEvil4 #ResidentEvil4Remake #ResidentEvil #RE4 #RE4Remake #PS5 #PlayStation #Capcom #gaming #videogames #tbcontent
#tbcontent #videogames #Gaming #capcom #Playstation #PS5 #re4remake #RE4 #residentevil #ResidentEvil4Remake #ResidentEvil4
Death To All came to Chicago last night and absolutely crushed it. They were amazing! Here's the band performing "Overactive Imagination" from Death's "Individual Thought Patterns" album:
#DeathToAll #Death #DeathMetal #Deathband #OveractiveImagination #IndividualThoughtPatterns #metal #metalmusic #metalconcert #tbcontent
#deathband #tbcontent #metalconcert #metalmusic #Metal #individualthoughtpatterns #overactiveimagination #deathmetal #death #deathtoall
Wrote about the #Heathen and #VicousRumors show I recently went to with photos and videos from that night:
#metal #metalmusic #thrashmetal #thrash #heavymetal #metalconcert #concert #photography #concertphotography #tbcontent
#tbcontent #concertphotography #Photography #concert #metalconcert #heavymetal #thrash #ThrashMetal #metalmusic #Metal #vicousrumors #heathen
Wrote about the #Anthrax, #BlackLabelSociety and #Exodus show I went to a while back with photos and videos from that night:
#metal #thrashmetal #thrash #metalmusic #music #concert #musicphotography #photography #tbcontent
#tbcontent #Photography #musicphotography #concert #Music #metalmusic #thrash #ThrashMetal #Metal #exodus #blacklabelsociety #anthrax
#Heathen are on tour and stopped in #Chicago a few nights ago. They crushed it their whole set. Check out one of their songs live:
#thrashmetal #metal #thrash #metalmusic #metalconcert #tbcontent
#tbcontent #metalconcert #metalmusic #thrash #Metal #ThrashMetal #Chicago #heathen
#ViciousRumors came to #Chicago a few nights ago and totally killed it. Check out some of their performance:
#tbcontent #metalmusic #ThrashMetal #heavymetal #Metal #Chicago #viciousrumors
Solo bird out on top of this dried up tree.
#tbcontent #Photography #Nature
Wrote about the Cro-Mags show I went to last December with photos and videos from that night:
#CroMags #hardcore #hardcoremusic #AgeOfQuarrel #NYHC #metal #Chicago #tbcontent
#tbcontent #Chicago #Metal #nyhc #ageofquarrel #hardcoremusic #hardcore #cromags
#Exodus were in Chicago this past Sunday supporting Anthrax on their 40th anniversary tour. Exodus crushed their whole set and were awesome! Here's the band playing "Piranha":
#metal #metalmusic #thrash #thrashmetal #music #metalconcert #concert #tbcontent
#metalconcert #tbcontent #concert #Music #ThrashMetal #thrash #metalmusic #Metal #exodus
Black Label Society played Chicago this past Sunday supporting Anthrax on their 40th anniversary tour. Here's the band playing an extended version of "Fire It Up" with tons of guitar solos:
#BlackLabelSociety #BLS #BlackLabel #ZakkWylde #metal #metalmusic #metalconcert #concert #tbcontent
#tbcontent #concert #metalconcert #metalmusic #Metal #zakkwylde #blacklabel #bls #blacklabelsociety
#Anthrax came to Radius in Chicago this past Sunday on their 40th anniversary tour with Black Label Society and Exodus as support. Anthrax crushed it the whole night and sounded awesome! Here's the band playing "Metal Thrashing Mad" live:
#metal #thrashmetal #thrash #metalmusic #metalconcert #tbcontent
#tbcontent #metalconcert #metalmusic #thrash #ThrashMetal #Metal #anthrax