Ich sollte langsam Mal die #VarroaBehandlung #TBE angehen aber bei dem Wetter 😡🙈.
And of course I forgot the vax certificate that I got two weeks ago when I walked out the door.
@onisillos Tick-borne pathogens do not receive enough attention at the public health & academic/research levels (esp here in the US). Far too many primary care providers are ignorant of the range of signs & symptoms, and many medical insurance companies will not cover diagnostic assays in a timely matter. Also, the two accepted diagnostic assays (ELISA & Western blot) are fraught with issues & vaccine R&D is severely lacking. This is troubling. #ticks #LymeDisease #CCHF #TBE
#tbe #cchf #LymeDisease #ticks
"Therefore, we now expect a year with high tick activity and possible high numbers of tick-transmitted TBE virus infections, especially in the #TBE endemic areas in southern #Germany." #TickBorneEncephalitis
RT @ProMED_mail
PRO/AH/EDR> Tick-borne encephalitis - Germany (02) https://promedmail.org/promed-post/?id=20230408.8709405
#tbe #germany #tickborneencephalitis
Per chi come al sottoscritto piace camminare o correre nei boschi, prati, montagna, visto il proliferare di #zecche negli anni scorsi, esiste un #vaccino che ci protegge dall’encefalite da zecca #TBE https://www.vaccinarsi.org/scienza-conoscenza/vaccini-disponibili/vaccino-anti-encefalite-da-zecche-(tbe) . In alcune zone potrebbe essere gratuito, mentre in altre è a pagamento. Vale la pena prenderlo in considerazione. Oggi 2a dose.
Avui ha vingut a visitar-se un jove preocupat per algun neguit respecte a la seva relació de parella, força recent. El meu diagnòstic: Enamorament incipient. Ha marxat tranquil i alleujat, disposat a passar per aquesta embafadora però apassionant malaltia, provisional. #Terapiabreuestrategica #TBE
Avui ha vingut a visitar-se un jove preocupat per algun neguit respecte a la seva relació de parella, força recent. El meu diagnòstic: Enamorament incipient. Ha marxat tranquil i alleujat, disposat a passar per aquesta embafadora però apassionant malaltia, provisional. #Terapiabreuestrategica #TBE
Avui ha vingut a visitar-se un jove preocupat per algun neguit respecte a la seva relació de parella, força recent.
El meu diagnòstic: Enamorament incipient.
Ha marxat tranquil i alleujat, disposat a passar per aquesta embafadora però apassionant malaltia, provisional.
#terapiabreuestrategica #tbe #terapiabreuestratega