Une transformation #XSLT pour convertir un fichier #TMX en #TBX
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#xslt #tmx #tbx #xml #logiciellibre #traduction #localisation
52022PC0119 has been processed successfully. (new #bilingual #TBX, #ENFR)
Click here to download your file (the link expires in two weeks): https://transfer.sh/6FLwlH/terms_52022PC0119_EN-FR.tbx
#bilingual #tbx #enfr #translation #catt #eu #terminology #newTermCollection
32016R0679 has been processed successfully. (new #bilingual #TBX, #ENFR)
Click here to download your file (the link expires in two weeks): https://transfer.sh/6AiqUH/terms_32016R0679_EN-FR.tbx
#bilingual #tbx #enfr #translation #catt #eu #terminology #newTermCollection
32016R0679 has been processed successfully. (new #bilingual #TBX, #ENFR)
Click here to download your file (the link expires in two weeks): https://transfer.sh/0nmh4T/terms_32016R0679_EN-FR.tbx
#bilingual #tbx #enfr #translation #catt #eu #terminology #newTermCollection
32014L0024 has been processed successfully. (new #bilingual #TBX, #ENFR)
Click here to download your file (the link expires in two weeks): https://transfer.sh/lyuz4b/terms_32014L0024_EN-FR.tbx
#bilingual #tbx #enfr #translation #catt #eu #terminology #newTermCollection
32019L0904 has been processed successfully. (new #bilingual #TBX, #ENFR)
Click here to download your file (the link expires in two weeks): https://transfer.sh/OcgAPe/terms_32019L0904_EN-FR.tbx
#bilingual #tbx #enfr #translation #catt #eu #terminology #newTermCollection
52022PC0677 has been processed successfully. (new #bilingual #TBX, #ENFR)
Click here to download your file (the link expires in two weeks): https://transfer.sh/DsFQ5j/terms_52022PC0677_EN-FR.tbx
#bilingual #tbx #enfr #translation #catt #eu #terminology #newTermCollection
32011R0305 has been processed successfully. (new #bilingual #TBX, #ENFR)
Click here to download your file (the link expires in two weeks): https://transfer.sh/n823BF/terms_32011R0305_EN-FR.tbx
#bilingual #tbx #enfr #translation #catt #eu #terminology #newTermCollection
52022PC0068 has been processed successfully. (new #bilingual #TBX, #ENET)
Click here to download your file (the link expires in two weeks): https://transfer.sh/sj9EfR/terms_52022PC0068_EN-ET.tbx
#bilingual #tbx #enet #translation #catt #eu #terminology #newTermCollection
52022PC0071 has been processed successfully. (new #bilingual #TBX, #ENET)
Click here to download your file (the link expires in two weeks): https://transfer.sh/5zl46B/terms_52022PC0071_EN-ET.tbx
#bilingual #tbx #enet #translation #catt #eu #terminology #newTermCollection
02019L1937-20211110 has been processed successfully. (new #bilingual #TBX, #ENET)
Click here to download your file (the link expires in two weeks): https://transfer.sh/CYbiXf/terms_02019L1937-20211110_EN-ET.tbx
#bilingual #tbx #enet #translation #catt #eu #terminology #newTermCollection
52022PC0071 has been processed successfully. (new #bilingual #TBX, #ENET)
Click here to download your file (the link expires in two weeks): https://transfer.sh/97CKCw/terms_52022PC0071_EN-ET.tbx
#bilingual #tbx #enet #translation #catt #eu #terminology #newTermCollection
52022PC0231 has been processed successfully. (new #bilingual #TBX, #ENET)
Click here to download your file (the link expires in two weeks): https://transfer.sh/Kxsaa8/terms_52022PC0231_EN-ET.tbx
#bilingual #tbx #enet #translation #catt #eu #terminology #newTermCollection
02003L0087-20210101 has been processed successfully. (new #bilingual #TBX, #ENET)
Click here to download your file (the link expires in two weeks): https://transfer.sh/0ozkNw/terms_02003L0087-20210101_EN-ET.tbx
#bilingual #tbx #enet #translation #catt #eu #terminology #newTermCollection
02021R2115-20220422 has been processed successfully. (new #bilingual #TBX, #ENET)
Click here to download your file (the link expires in two weeks): https://transfer.sh/UnuL5O/terms_02021R2115-20220422_EN-ET.tbx
#bilingual #tbx #enet #translation #catt #eu #terminology #newTermCollection
02021R0241-20210218 has been processed successfully. (new #bilingual #TBX, #ENET)
Click here to download your file (the link expires in two weeks): https://transfer.sh/1GoBlI/terms_02021R0241-20210218_EN-ET.tbx
#bilingual #tbx #enet #translation #catt #eu #terminology #newTermCollection
32021R1060 has been processed successfully. (new #bilingual #TBX, #ENET)
Click here to download your file (the link expires in two weeks): https://transfer.sh/0HLTao/terms_32021R1060_EN-ET.tbx
#bilingual #tbx #enet #translation #catt #eu #terminology #newTermCollection
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RT @TBXeus@twitter.com
[Bideoak] 21. Korrika badator!!! Iruñeko aurkezpena https://ift.tt/2TpuQSg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qekLgZ0g5Y4
Ahotsa Info #TBX #EuskarazkoBideoak
RT @TBXeus@twitter.activitypub.actor
[Bideoak] Bixintxo Bilbao eta Pello Larralde EITBko Gure Kasa saioan https://ift.tt/2HiN5rb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kb0EmEhJsxQ
Kirola Euskal Herria #TBX #EuskarazkoBideoak