Honestly the main char in this book is getting seriously on my nerves. Always making totally inappropriate jokes, never doing anything without asking what's in it for him even when people are in danger of starving. He's a jerk. #TCC
Yikes! According to the sumary this next book is a side quest, so we go from focussing on Joe who's annoying but basically ok to Jackson who is downright creepy. Hmm. I have a bad feeling. And the new narator comes into play here, so let's see. Once it's finished doing its thing of course. #TCC
@aidengardiner I did hear that somewhere. Changing narator mid series suuuuuucks! #TCC
@lulu_bear minor spoiler although not for the story. They changed the narrator after book 3. Luke Daniels reads from 4 onwards. #TCC
The City of #Toronto and the #TCC could demonstrate commitment to addressing #antiBlack 'racism by rethinking the carnival’s financial participation and #ProfitDistribution models to benefit Black-owned businesses and communities.
#BlackCanadians #Ontario #FundingReform #inequity #Canada #DecolonizeTheFestival
#toronto #tcc #antiblack #profitdistribution #blackcanadians #ontario #fundingreform #inequity #canada #decolonizethefestival
Olá pessoal! Gostaria de contar com a contribuição de profissionais de tecnologia da informação, empregados ou não, respondendo a um questionário que faz parte de um trabalho de conclusão de curso como Bacharel em Psicologia, e que visa avaliar se, e como, estes profissionais podem ter sido afetados psicologicamente, após os anúncios das demissões em massa realizadas no setor em que atuam, ou deixaram de atuar, no período pós-pandemia.
Se puder compartilhar em suas redes será de grande valia também! :)
Agradeço antecipadamente!
#pesquisacientifica #demissões #tcc #psicologia #transtornos
#pesquisacientifica #demissoes #tcc #psicologia #transtornos
One of the few commercial software packages that I occasionally pay to upgrade to the latest version is Take Command (including TCC command-line processor) for Windows by JP Software.
For old-timers: it's from the same devs as 4NT and 4DOS command-line processor from the earlier DOS/Windows days.
One simple, but welcome, new feature (at least it was not in my previous one) is "cd :downloads" shortcut to go directly to the Downloads (and various others) directory.
Plusieurs dates sont disponibles pour les conférences, elles se feront par zoom en fin d'après midi (18h ou 19h selon les dates )
24 août : conférence sur les #TCC appliquées aux couples (2ème session le 5 septembre)
Puis les TCC du trouble panique avec ou sans agoraphobie le 12 septembre (2nde session le 21 septembre)
TCC appliquées aux personnes âgées le 28 septembre (2ème session le 6 octobre)
TCC adaptées pour les personnes ayant un #TSA le 17 octobre (2nde session le 10 novembre)
Allo à toutes et tous
J'animerai plusieurs #conférences GRATUITES via zoom sur des thèmes variés autour des thérapies comportementales cognitives avec l'APTCCB
Au programme, #TCC appliquées aux couple, TCC du trouble panique avec/sans agoraphobie, TCC adaptées pour les personnes ayant un #TSA et les TCC appliquées aux personnes âgées.
When moving to a compiler like #tcc from #gcc and #clang , what speed pitfalls should I be aware of that optimizations in those compilers typically hold our hand with, but tcc does not?
Any input would be great!
#programming #compilers #c #optimization #speed #performance
#tcc #gcc #clang #programming #compilers #c #optimization #speed #performance
Spent part of my #RechageDay at #AMD looking at bootstrapping #TinyCC 0.9.26 from #GNUMes on #x86_64 architecture. And thanks to #Mes mantainer @janneke for his help debugging various issues. We can now build initial #tcc binary and it can even run some simple commands such as --help or -vv.
Unfortunately, we still hit some critical bugs when trying to use this tcc binary to rebuild itself but hopefully we are not far now.
#rechageday #amd #TinyCC #GNUmes #x86_64 #mes #tcc #bootstrappable #bootstrappablebuilds #reproduciblebuilds
Em 30 minutos teremos a banca de #TCC que eu tive o prazer em orientar no curso de #PublicidadeEPropaganda da #PUCMinas tratando da #CulturaDoCancelamento e que gerou um #Podcast com 5 episódios.
Vocês podem escutar os episódios aqui: De Volta à Cena https://open.spotify.com/show/3GfEoK7feQHOVIo0pkE6z3
#tcc #publicidadeepropaganda #pucminas #culturadocancelamento #podcast
I'm doing a deep dive on how to recognize propaganda, misinformation, and manipulation tactics.
All that and more, coming soon in the next issue of The Crabtree Collection! #tcc
Un bug di Telegram consente di accedere alla fotocamera su Apple MacOS
Uno degli #ingegneri della sicurezza di #Google ha scoperto una #vulnerabilità nell’app #Telegram su #macOS che potrebbe essere utilizzata per ottenere l’accesso non #autorizzato alla #fotocamera del dispositivo.
In genere, il meccanismo #TCC implementato da #Apple in macOS impedisce a #software di terze parti di accedere ai componenti del dispositivo #Apple come fotocamera e microfono.
Anche gli #amministratori non sono in grado di utilizzarli a meno che l’#applicazione non abbia ricevuto l’autorizzazione #appropriata.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity
#ingegneri #google #vulnerabilità #telegram #macos #autorizzato #fotocamera #tcc #apple #software #amministratori #applicazione #appropriata #redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #privacy #infosecurity
2023年02月11日 221006 諸橋 姫向(東京CuteCute) TCC hinata https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1700897/ngt48/
#2023年02月11日 #hinata #ngt48 #TCC #Vlog #姫向東京CuteCute #諸橋 #諸橋姫向
#2023年02月11日 #hinata #ngt48 #tcc #vlog #姫向東京CuteCute #諸橋 #諸橋姫向