"Commercialisti e alti funzionari
Sono i migliori in certe evasioni"
da "Azimut" (1982)
🎧 https://invidious.namazso.eu/watch?v=X6QYMAVxrj4
#TCDD #Gonne #Pantaloni #AlbertoRadius #RIP #chitarre #assoli
#mastoradio #tcdd #gonne #Pantaloni #albertoradius #rip #chitarre #assoli
> An apparent “act of faith” concerning the eventual discovery of a “safe” or permissible level of risk..[is] continued submission to industry prerogatives.. [which] encourages stonewalling on.. health.. conflicts between science and politics, or between #HonestResearch and #IndustryPR, ensures that we sometimes move backwards.. #EPA report leaked.. May 17, #2000. The most potent form of the dioxin group, #TCDD.. has, for the first time, just been reclassified as a “definite”.. human carcinogen.
#tcdd #epa #IndustryPR #HonestResearch
> Dioxin.. an impurity in the manufacturing process of the 2,4,5,7-D herbicide, was discovered to produce birth defects in experimental animals as early as #1970.. it is customary to say that it.. was discontinued as soon as this.. was discovered.. its status as a probable carcinogen was established years earlier. #Dioxin is.. a general term for hundreds of human-made compounds.. 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin or #TCDD, the primary toxin in #AgentOrange.
#dioxine #tcdd #insecticide #novichock #thallium #ricine #urushiol #polonium
> 米軍がベトナム戦争で散布した枯葉剤の中に2,3,7,8-TCDDが不純物として含まれていたことは有名である。日本においても、PCBや農薬の一部に不純物として含まれて、環境中に排出されたという研究結果もある。
> 現在では、廃棄物の焼却処理過程においての発生が一番多く、その他、金属精錬施設、自動車排ガス、たばこの煙などから発生するほか、山火事や火山活動などの自然現象などによっても発生する。...
> 塩素を含むプラスティック(PVC等)や食品トレイ、その他塩素を含むあらゆる物質が燃焼温度800℃以下の燃焼によって発生する
- https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%80%E3%82%A4%E3%82%AA%E3%82%AD%E3%82%B7%E3%83%B3%E9%A1%9E
#tcdd #agentorange #枯葉剤 #焼却炉 #incineration #chlorine #塩素