#safety #celltherapy #celltherapies #immunotherapy #genetherapy #cellulartherapeutics #IO #cancer #oncology #dlbcl #lymphoma #cartecells #cartcellrx #nkcells #nkcars #bispecifics #tcellengagers #bloodcancers #lymphoma #multiplemyeloma #solidtumors #Breastcancer #GIcancer #cartcell #cartcells #cartcellrx #msc #mesenchymalstemcells #mesenchymalstemcell #CRISPR #crisprcas9 #genetherapy #geneediting #checkpointinhibitors #bmt #bmtrx #bmtsm #tcellrx
#safety #CellTherapy #celltherapies #Immunotherapy #genetherapy #cellulartherapeutics #IO #cancer #oncology #dlbcl #lymphoma #cartecells #cartcellrx #NKcells #nkcars #bispecifics #tcellengagers #BloodCancers #MultipleMyeloma #solidtumors #breastcancer #gicancer #CARTCell #CARTCells #msc #mesenchymalstemcells #mesenchymalstemcell #crispr #crisprcas9 #geneediting #checkpointinhibitors #BMT #bmtrx #bmtsm #tcellrx
In 2020, right before the COVID pandemic really got going, @CarlJune and I debated #Cell #immunothewrapy vs #bispecific #TcellEngagers. I think many of the points we discussed and debated will play out over the next few years. Powerful technologies that are already helping cancer patients, but also will benefit from a great deal of additional development.
#cell #immunothewrapy #bispecific #tcellengagers