Time to roll your own WH40k 10th units with the TCRepo exclusive PPTX Datasheet Template!
I made this one so, if you find any issues/improvements, shoot me a message & I'll try to address it
#tcrepoupdate #warhammercommunity #WH40k #warhammer40k
Need more Flashpoint in your life? Checkout this complete #WH40k Flashpoint Campaign Pack by N3rfH3rd3r420!
#tcrepoupdate #WH40k #warhammercommunity #warhammer40k
Thanks to @weirdnobz TCRepo is now host our first Star Wars: #Shatterpoint file: their fantastic Quick Reference Guide!
Go check it out and throw out that stack of Post-It notes you've been using!
#tcrepoupdate #shatterpoint #starwars #starwarsshatterpoint
The Realm of Shadows really deserves more attention... and now it gets it with @theharrower's Battlepack: Ulgu (now available at TCRepo)
Check it out and start bumping into shit while wandering around in the dark like!
#tcrepoupdate #warhammercommunity
Time to add Naval Combat to your #Necromunda Campaign!
Check out GW's Apocrypha Necromunda: Spiders of the Sump to learn how 😉
#tcrepoupdate #Necromunda #warhammercommunity #warhammer #warhammer40k
A 2fer!
Tell your friends you played Fantasy Skirmish before it was cool (Warcry)! #WHFB 6e & 7e rules for Warhammer Warbands at TCRepo!
6e: https://tcrepo.com/downloads/warhammer-warbands-whfb-6e/
7e: https://tcrepo.com/downloads/warhammer-warbands-whfb-7e/
#tcrepoupdate #whfb #warhammercommunity #warhammer
This one is JUICY!
The complete #WHFB 6e War of the Beard campaign! You and your friends can now recreate the brutal war between the mighty Dwarfs and the cowardly High Elves!
#tcrepoupdate #whfb #warhammercommunity #warhammer #dwarfs #highelves
Were you hobbying instead of working? Take the Slayer Oath!
TCRepo is now hosting the original/official PDF of WHFB 6e rules for creating an all Dwarf Slayer army!
#warhammercommunity #warhammer #whfb #dwarfs #dwarves
#tcrepoupdate #warhammercommunity #warhammer #whfb #dwarfs #dwarves
Thanks to Balmonec (who sent me scans of prints he had from 17 years ago!) TCRepo is now hosting Tragic Heroes: a 5-scenario WHFB 6e ladder campaign for Dwarf Slayers
#tcrepoupdate #warhammercommunity #warhammer #whfb #dwarfs #dwarves
Now hosting the complete AoS "Event In A Box" by Hugh Wyeth & Bad Moon Cafe WAR IN THE MORTAL REALM XXVII - CLASH IN THONDIA!
Run it at your own FLGS or get inspired to create something new!
Get yer WH40k 10e Forge World Data Cards! Imperial Armor here! You sir! Step right up! These are 100% gen-u-ine rules!
This is a good community warm fuzzy!
The WHFB 6e campaign Denizens of the Deep was missing 4 out 5 map tiles... but no more thanks to Balmonec!
TCRepo now hosts everything you need (except minis 😜) to run this classic campaign!
Jailbreak time!
Apocrypha Necromunda: Escape from Zalktraa uploaded!
All 24 Combat Patrol quick start rules/datacards uploaded!
Check out this scenario by @CadianShock that has you and your opponent playing tug-o-war (push-o-war?) on a Frontline in War of Attrition!
Cadian Shock ran a really cool looking 2-day Imperium vs Chaos Map Campaign at Hobby Haven that ended in a 6k point mega-battle!
He made it available to all of us so you recreate the magic with your friends!
The new WH40k 10e Core Rules & WH40k 10e Quick Start Guide are now up at TCRepo!
TCRepo is now hosting material for DYSTOPIAN WARS! Get your naval battle on with backup copies of all the free official downloads.
Need to spice up your Necromunda group? Run this custom Succession Campaign with your pals (and enemies)!
Culminate your Necromunda campaign with this exciting boat-adjacent scenario optimized for use at the end of a campaign!
A TCRepo exclusive 😆