Wenn Robin #Gemperle ähnlich schnell radelt wie Christoph #Strasser, ist er irgendwann heute Abend so zwischen 21 Uhr und 22:30 in Thessaloniki. Ich weiß ja auch nicht warum, aber diese Transcontinental-Rennen gehen mir Jahr für Jahr krass unter die Haut.
#gemperle #strasser #tcrno9 #tcrno9cap1 #tcrno9cap3
Congratulations to Christoph Strasser, who rode 3943.84 km (and a lot of altitude) across Europe within 8 days, 16 hours and 30 minutes!
#Transcontinental #tcrno9 #tcrno9cap1
Straps #TCRNo9Cap1 was looking good, there is a webcam that shows the last metres before the #TCRNo9 finish.
Congratulations, what a performance!!
Christoph Strasser hat sein Ziel erreicht. Ich gratuliere staunend.
The very final chapter for Christoph ‘The Beast’ Strasser #TCRNo9Cap1 now in the last kilometres of the #TCRNo9 towards the finish line in #Thessaloniki.
#thessaloniki #tcrno9 #tcrno9cap1
In wenigen Minuten ist #Strasser im Ziel. Ich bin erleichtert, dass er offensichtlich gesund in #Thessaloniki ankommt.
#strasser #thessaloniki #tcrno9 #tcrno9cap1
Ich habe mir gerade auf Insta die Stories von Christoph Strasser und Robin Gemperle, den beiden Leadern des diesjährigen #Transcontinental-Race, angeschaut.
Beide sehr sympathisch.
Robin, der sogar Zeit und einen Blick für Tiere hat. Einen Hund filmt und eine Schildkröte von der Straße rettet.
Da geht mir das Herz auf.
#transcontinental #tcrno9cap1 #tcrno9cap3 #tcrno9
I really underestimated the length of the last parcour. I thought Christoph (#tcrno9cap1) will finish it in the morning hours. Now it seem, that he will need some more hours. Perhaps it is now also a question of declining fitness.
#tcrno9cap1 #Transcontinental #tcrno9
I think some hours after midnight, we will have a winner of this years #Transcontinental race, if nothing unexpected happen.
#Transcontinental #tcrno9 #tcrno9cap1
A gap of just under 3 hours between Christoph #TCRNo9Cap1 and Robin #TCRNo9Cap3 at CP4! #TCRNo9
#tcrno9 #tcrno9cap3 #tcrno9cap1
What looks like a minimal gap right now between the leading riders Christoph #TCRNo9Cap1 and Robin #TCRNo9Cap3 is not what it seems.
Christoph already passed CP4 and finished the last section of Parcours 4 and is leaving the scene … while Robin still needs to get his CP4 stamp and deal with Parcours 4C. Doesn’t look like both guys got much rest overnight 😥
#tcrno9 #tcrno9cap3 #tcrno9cap1
This one fact about Christoph Strasser #TCRNo9Cap1 which was mentioned in an #TCRNo9 IG post earlier today 😳
“Sidenote - he's only been stopped for 16% of the time since leaving Geraardsbergen, seven days ago.”
#austrianbeast #mental #tcrno9 #tcrno9cap1
Christoph, #TCRNo9Cap1, reached CP3 earlier today. Robin, #TCRNo9Cap3, just some minutes ago. It's a long wait for the third rider to arrive.
#tcrno9cap1 #tcrno9cap3 #tcrno9 #dotwatchers #couchpeloton
only a few more kms now before Christoph ‘The Machine’ Strasser #TCRNo9Cap1 reaches CP3 in #Albania! #TCRNo9
This Strasser must be a machine! There is hardly any other way to explain this performance!
#tcrno9cap1 #tcrno9 #Transcontinental
And #TCRNo9Cap1 Christoph Strasser 🇦🇹 just crossed the border and cycled into Montenegro.
#dotwatching #tcrno9 #tcrno9cap1
Da schläft man einfach mal 8 Stunden und schon sieht das #tcrno9 ganz anders aus. #tcrno9cap1 & #tcrno9cap3 haben die Plätze im Leaderboard getauscht und sind fast durch Parcours 2 durch. Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen pur!
Das Feld sieht dafür mittlerweile aus wie eine Perlenkette mit Getümmel an Parcours 1 und dem Aufstieg zum #Stelvio.
#radrennen #Fahrradrennen #transcontinentalrace #rennrad #rennradfahren #radfahren #soloracing
#soloracing #radfahren #rennradfahren #rennrad #transcontinentalrace #Fahrradrennen #radrennen #Stelvio #tcrno9cap3 #tcrno9cap1 #tcrno9
#Srasser (#tcrno9cap1) and #Gemperle (#tcrno9cap3) just passed Checkpoint 2 this morning and are now on pacours 2 of the #Transcontinental.
But it seems, that there is an issue with the segment time on the leaderboard. It didn't take them only 7 hours something for the track between CP1 & CP2.
EDIT: The segment time is now correctly displayed.
#srasser #tcrno9cap1 #gemperle #tcrno9cap3 #Transcontinental #tcrno9
Meanwhile, the two leaders Christoph Strasser (#tcrno9cap1) & Robin Gemperle (#tcrno9cap3) have less than 100 kilometres to the 2nd checkpoint.
#Strasser paused only 8 hours during the last 3 days! 😱 This is crazy!
#tcrno9cap1 #tcrno9cap3 #strasser #Transcontinental #tcrno9