Ah une bonne nouvelle, la Chambre administrative de la Cour de justice vient de confirmer la bonne mise en place des #coronapistes à #Genève, n'en déplaise au #TCS qui aura tout fait pour que l'espace soit rendu aux automobilistes.
#justice #securite #cyclisme #mobilite #tcs #geneve #coronapistes
Days after #Tatas' crown jewel #TCS sacked six employees in the bribes-for-jobs scandal, another group company, #TataSteel, has given the boot to 35 people for breaching its code of conduct. http://toi.in/WOvv2b/a24gk #press
@anlomedad you've asked a very simple question with a rather complicated answer!
I guess you're asking about transient as opposed to equilibrium #ClimateSensitivity (what we sometimes just call #TCS Vs #ECS)
This explainer from @carbonbrief's @hausfath is probably the easiest way to answer this question.
It's... complicated. And a lot of ink has been spilled trying to answer it.
#TCS has sacked six employees and banned six staffing firms in wake of the recruitment scam which shook the tech industry.
https://www.hindustantimes.com/business/tata-consultancy-services-recruitment-bribery-case-n-chandrasekaran-employees-sacked-staffing-firm-banned-101688054063801.html #press
The Finance Ministry has deferred by three months the implementation of a higher Tax Collected at Source (#TCS) rate of 20% on expenditures made under #LRS and overseas tour packages till September 30.
https://trib.al/DqymSnr #press
#TCS job 'scandal': What the company told Board and the statement to #BSE
https://www.gadgetsnow.com/tech-news/tcs-job-scandal-what-the-company-told-board-and-the-statement-to-bse/articleshow/101322558.cms?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=GNWeb via @gadgetsnow #press
#TCS has refuted allegations of ‘fraud’ in its recruitment process, as it responded to media reports of a ‘bribe-for-jobs scandal’ rocking the IT major
https://www.hindustantimes.com/business/bribeforjobs-scandal-no-fraud-by-or-against-us-says-tata-consultancy-services-101687747930985.html #press
Having worked in the IT industry, we used to hear "whispers" of such practices from time to time. However, most shrugged it off as "business as usual".
Sad to see this happening on such a large scale in #tcs.
On a lighter note, in college, the "joke" was that TCS stood for "trespassers will be recruited".
Mebbe, all is not well with #indian #industry, especially where #corporate #governance is concerned.
#tcs #indian #industry #corporate #governance #business #indianeconomy #jobs #scams
An end to remote work at India’s largest software firm had an unintended causality — more female employees decided not to return to the office than male peers.Tata Consultancy Services saw higher attrition among women when it called employees back to work after the pandemic. That’s unusual for the IT giant, where female attrition has historically been either lower or similar to their male counterparts.
#TCS said attrition among its women employees has raced past the same for men, hinting that the end of work-from-home may have a role to play in it.
https://www.hindustantimes.com/business/tcs-ends-wfh-female-staffs-resignation-more-than-men-101686240689397.html #press
Touted as largest recruiter of women, #TCS said attrition among its women employees has raced past the same for men, hinting that the end of #WorkFromHome may have a role to play in it
Read here https://www.hindustantimes.com/business/tcs-ends-wfh-female-staffs-resignation-more-than-men-101686240689397.html #press
#TCS said attrition among its women employees has raced past the same for men, hinting that the end of #WorkFromHome may have a role to play in it
https://www.hindustantimes.com/business/tcs-ends-wfh-female-staffs-resignation-more-than-men-101686240689397.html #press
#TCS said attrition among its women employees has raced past the same for men, hinting that the end of #WorkFromHome may have a role to play in it
https://www.hindustantimes.com/business/tcs-ends-wfh-female-staffs-resignation-more-than-men-101686240689397.html #press
New TCS rule for international credit card spends & LRS: If you are taking a foreign tour or remitting money through the Liberalised Remittance Scheme then watch the video to know the new rules.
After #TCS, #Wipro partners with #GoogleCloud to adopt generative #AI into its services
via @gadgetsnow #press
#tcs #wipro #googlecloud #ai #press
No #TCS to be deducted on overseas spending of up to ₹7 lakh
#TCSTax #CreditCards
https://www.hindustantimes.com/business/20-tcs-on-overseas-credit-card-transactions-now-above-rs-7-lakh-101684506961185.html #press
#tcs #tcstax #creditcards #press
Any payments by an individual using their international #Debit or #Credit Cards upto Rs 7 lakhs per financial year will be excluded from the LRS limits and hence, will not attract any Tax Collected at Source: Govt of India
Existing beneficial #TCS treatment for education and… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1659560016175837184 #press
#Experts said the government’s decision imposes 20% #TCS on almost all transactions and would discourage people from using online #payments
Read full story
https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/roll-back-20-levy-on-credit-cards-experts-101684436116399.html #press
#experts #tcs #payments #press