That's a wrap on SoCal/West Coast Bisco! So much fun!! More plz! Get on the rocket ship folks!
It sounds like I should catch up on some Oblivion and Tweezer hams this week! Happy to see everyone out there having fun this summer 👯♀️
Looking forward to seeing Barbie and Have You Got It Yet? The Story of Syd Barrett and Pink Floyd on the big screen this week!
The Disco Biscuits are on fire right meow! Holy Smokes these Montana shows are good 🔥Venue looks sweet!! I am patiently awaiting my turn for their triumphant return to LA and San Diego in a few weeks!! I've been a fan since 1999 and I know it's not everyone's cup of tea...BUT IMO it's a great time to get on the rocket ship.
Photo credit to Tara Gracer
(I hope I did that right-my 1st Don photo credit 😀 )
Er wirbt mit folgenden Karten für das Event: 😊
#Barrierefreiheit #AbbauVonBarrieren #TagDerBegegnung #TdB #Inklusion #NRW #Rheinland #Koeln #Köln #Bonn #Düesseldorf #Duesseldorf #Essen #Oberhausen #BergischGladbach #Düren #Dueren #Aachen #Euskirchen #Wesel #Viersen #RheinSiegKreis #RheinErftKreis #Heinsberg #Neuss #Kleve #Mettmann
#barrierefreiheit #abbauvonbarrieren #tagderbegegnung #tdb #inklusion #nrw #rheinland #koeln #koln #bonn #duesseldorf #essen #Oberhausen #BergischGladbach #duren #dueren #aachen #euskirchen #Wesel #viersen #RheinSiegKreis #RheinErftKreis #heinsberg #Neuss #kleve #mettmann
Der Landschaftsverband Rheinland (LVR), lädt am 17. Juni 2023 zum "Tag der Begegnung" in Köln-Deutz ein.
Weitere Informationen können unter nachgeschaut werden.
#Barrierefreiheit #AbbauVonBarrieren #TagDerBegegnung #TdB #Inklusion #NRW #Rheinland #Koeln #Köln
#barrierefreiheit #abbauvonbarrieren #tagderbegegnung #tdb #inklusion #nrw #rheinland #koeln #koln
Neste Dia Mundial do Teatro, uma saudação especial à equipa do Teatro do Bairro pela magnitude da peça "Triunfo Silencioso" a que assistimos há poucos dias. Parabéns ao trio maravilha: Beto Coville, Eurico Lopes e Davide Zaccaria. #TDB #Diamundialdoteatro
@rayotron I would agree with the 'trance fusion.'
If you like STS9, Sunsquabi, and lespecial, you'll like the Disco Biscuits. #tDB #DiscoBiscuits
I don't immediately listen to a an entire show I've recorded. Rather, I allow it to properly age in my memory for several months.
So my next #DrivingAroundMusic is from the Disco Biscuits and Umphrey's McGee combined show on August 18, 2022 at White River State Park Amphitheater in Indianapolis.
#DiscoBiscuits #tDB #UmphreysMcGee #UM #Umphreys
Here are the links to my recordings:
#drivingaroundmusic #discobiscuits #tdb #umphreysmcgee #um #umphreys
The first wave of #SummerCampMusicFestival #SCamp23 artists have been announced. In addition to the usual suspects:
- #WillieNelson
- #LesClaypool
- #DiscoBiscuits #tDB
- #Goose
#summercampmusicfestival #scamp23 #willienelson #lesclaypool #discobiscuits #tdb #goose
Gestern erschien im Auftrag der DKJS eine Forsa-Umfrage mit 14–21-jährigen. Die Ergebnisse stimmen nachdenklich. Ein Großteil der Schüler_innen wollen digitalen Unterricht. IT-Kenntnisse sind ihnen weniger wichtig. Noch erschreckender ist jedoch der Vertrauensverlust in die Institution Schule. Glaubten vor Corona noch 51% an Chancengerechtigkeit, tun das jetzt nur noch 32%. Die Umfrage erscheint im Rahmen des Tags der Bildung und ist hier verfügbar:
#tdb #digitalebildung
#DrivinAroundMusic is my recording of The Disco Biscuits at White River State Park Amphitheater in Indianapolis on August 18, 2022.
#tDB #TheDiscoBiscuits #LiveMusicArchive
01. Helicopters >
02. Spacebirdmatingcall >
03. Cyclone >
04. Another Plan of Attack >
05. Anthem >
06. Spacebirdmatingcall >
07. Helicopters
#drivinaroundmusic #tdb #thediscobiscuits #livemusicarchive
CDC Provides $100 Million Finance To TDB To Boost Pandemic Trade Recovery In Africa.
Read more:
#CDCgroup #TDB #Africatrademarket #tradefinance #finance #emerionews #financialupdate #news
#news #financialupdate #emerionews #finance #tradefinance #Africatrademarket #tdb #cdcgroup
@Ursalzona @tuliovsb ou o #tdb turno do busão, que é quando tô ociosa passeando por aqui kkkkk