#TDIL Mikko Mäkipää has participated in and finished ALL 8 editions of the #Transcontinental. And he is riding his 9th time #TCRNo9 right now, cap no 44 #tcrno9cap44.
Mikko is @mkpaa on Mastodon and is posting quite a lot from on the bike.
Interestingly, he is using #Buffer to crosspost to Twitter and Mastodon … and maybe other services as well. A good choice, you wouldn't want to stop too long to push updates to every social media service there is.
#tdil #Transcontinental #tcrno9cap44 #buffer #tcrno9
#TDIL that you can charge a M2 #MacBookAir via USB-C, too. No more unplugging my MagSafe at home when bringing it to the office. #apple #facepalm
#tdil #macbookair #apple #facepalm
#TDIL In case an #iOS app is launched in background the state of the UIApplication is already set to UIApplication.State.background throughout the whole launch sequence. 💡
Whereas if the app is launched by the user through a tap on the app icon the UIApplication.State is .inactive.
Why didn’t I noticed this the last 16 years I‘m an #iosdev. 🤯
#tdil tooot has two ways to “refresh”. I always hated that it just jumped to the latest toot leaving me to go backward in time to find where I left off before the refresh. There is also an option in the pull down refresh to “see newer from here” and it keeps me where I was and adds the new roots above.
Having a listen-along this year (instead of a read-along) with the new BBC radio adaptation. #TDIR #TDIL #TheDarkIsRising
@domhuntsducks @grumpyleftist Uh, I just learned that there's a communist party in the USA. So many surprises today. #tdil #cpusa