If you happen to know about anyone who was there on The Drive on #TDOV23 or if anyone in your circle does... I'd love a word.
Not all speech is free expression and not every site is legitimate for a protest.
Im aktuellen Artikel zur Lage am Millerntor vom 31.03.2023, hat der @MillernTon , ein Blog und Podcast rund um den FC St. Pauli, auch den trans* day of visibility erwähnt. Dort wird auch mein Interview mit dem Fanprojekt Dortmund verlinkt. Mit #Football4AllGenders haben viele Fussball-Podcasts und -Blogs gestern auf disen Tag aufmerksam gemacht.
#bvb #StPauli #footbal4allgenders #tdov23 #tdov #trans #football4allgenders
Im aktuellen Artikel zur Lage am Millerntor vom 31.03.2023, hat der Millernton, ein Blog und Podcast rund um den FC St. Pauli, auch den trans* day of visibility erwähnt. Dort wird auch mein Interview mit dem Fanprojekt Dortmund verlinkt. Mit #Football4AllGenders haben viele Fussball-Podcasts und -Blogs gestern auf disen Tag aufmerksam gemacht.
#bvb #StPauli #footbal4allgenders #tdov23 #tdov #trans #football4allgenders
Streaming now! https://www.twitch.tv/amyisnthere?sr=a
#trans #tdov23 #tdov #payme #music #streaming #twitch
I love trans people and I love that you exist and I love that I exist and I think this high-abv beer is kicking in. #tdov23 #tdov #trans :BhjFlag_Transgender: :Blobhaj_Heart_Trans: :Fire_Trans: :transgender_flag: :trans_heart: :BhjFlag_Nonbinary: :BhjFlag_Nonbinary: :Fire_Enby: :nonbinary_heart:
My Aunt from New Zealand stayed up to send me this when I woke up. Nothing makes me smile more than feeling loved and supported.
If you can’t be visible this #TDOV23 you’re still you. I promise. It wasn’t that long ago that I was the same a few years ago.
Hot Boi Friday #TransMascAppreciation #tdov23 #GenderEuphoria
#GenderEuphoria #tdov23 #transmascappreciation
RT @IrelandIww
#TransDayOfVisibility for trans community & awareness of struggle against discrimination faced daily.
We want to strengthen, embolden our trans, non-binary & genderqueer coms by bringing visibility. #TDOV23 #IWW #AnInjuryToOneIsAnInjuryToAll
#transdayofvisibility #tdov23 #IWW #AnInjuryToOneIsAnInjuryToAll
Happy Trans Day of Visibility
Did you know 75% of the Neuro Pride Ireland cofounders fall under the trans umbrella
This actually follows that evidence suggests that neurodivergent people, particularly autistic people, are more likely to be gender diverse
NPI is glad to have such a gender diverse community that are welcoming of one another
#TDOV2023 #TDoV23
#transdayofvisibility #transdayofvisibility2023 #tdov2023 #tdov23
Guten Morgen, heute ist #TransDayOfVisibility.
Seid sichtbar, seid laut und lasst euch nicht ärgern. 🙂✊
#transdayofvisibility #tdov #tdov2023 #tdov23
Tha a' choimhearsnachd tar-ghnèitheach an-còmhnaidh air a bhith aig tòiseach na strìthe airson còraichean na coimhearsnachd LGDTC+ gu lèir agus ’s e sin an adhbhar a bhios An Gèidheal Ùr a’ cur taice riutha chan ann dìreach an-diugh air Là Faicsinneachd nam Pearsa Tar-ghnèitheach ach a h-uile latha.
#TDOV23 #TDOV #LGBWithTheT #TransRightsAreHumanRights #LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #LGDTCEN #LGDTC #LGDT #Gèidheal #Gàidhlig #Gaelic @gaidhlig
#gaelic #gaidhlig #geidheal #LGDT #LGDTC #LGDTCEN #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia #transrightsarehumanrights #lgbwiththet #tdov #tdov23