I really wish the janitors at my school would’ve put all the tasks at least on stacked after the box the floors. My back is absolutely freaking killing me trying to set up my classroom. And because it hurt so bad yesterday, I couldn’t get any work done. I’m very frustrated and upset. But it will be OK, I will get it done.
#educacion #teaching #teacherproblems #backtoschool
When the automatic captioning tries to be helpful but isn’t.
Me: let’s break down the word homozygous. Homo is a Greek prefix meaning same. In Latin you also see homo and there it means man. But here, Greek. Same.
The captioning: let’s break down the word homozygous. **** is a Greek prefix meaning same. In Latin you also see **** and there it means man. But here, Greek. Same.
Context is important.
Sometimes I get SO derailed by things based solely on the principle of the matter...
#teachers #teacherproblems #anger #frustration
What my office looks like when I realize that the @ucalgaryvetmed expanded class size means I need to make more Taboo cards for my endocrine lecture learning activities #teacherproblems #professor #medicaleducation #equine
#teacherproblems #professor #medicaleducation #equine
I try to be a positive person and recognize that my students are still teenagers and sometimes require some... grace.
But I'm SO tired of how often the same kids who insist on spending every class period either on their phones, cutting up with their friends, or nodding off repeatedly keep sending me tortured emails wondering how they can get their grade up and coming by during other hours with those hurt looks on their faces.
I can help them learn history, or writing, or basic school skills, or any number of other things. Clearly I'm failing at basic "cause and effect" and there's no way they're going to be prepared to cope with reality after high school.
OK - back to being a positive, encouraging person...
#education #edutooter #PublicSchools #teacher #TeacherProblems #KidsTheseDays
#education #edutooter #publicschools #teacher #teacherproblems #kidsthesedays
My Paraphrase of a Recent Faculty Meeting:
"2023 is going to be a year of INNOVATION for us - by which I mean, we're going to resurrect some programs that we've tried repeatedly over the years but have never worked and which we refuse to alter based on feedback from those who've been through this cycle multiple times. If you resist, it's because you don't care enough about our kids' success to risk being INNOVATIVE!"
#teachers #cynicism #teacherproblems #edutooter
As I'm working on lessons for next week, it's a blurry line sometimes between "I'm not sure X or Y would be effective with my current students" and "yeah, they're just not smart enough or emotionally mature enough for this activity to work."
The underlying concern is the same, but over the years I've come to think that TONE is important, even in my own internal voice. Trying to be honest about my kids - who I love, even when they make me tired - but without letting myself become cynical or start undervaluing them.
#TeacherProblems #Teachers #EduTooter #Transparency #Attitude
#teacherproblems #teachers #edutooter #transparency #attitude
The Prep Hour Paradox:
My conference period is simultaneously so worthless that it can be taken at any time with no compensation while also being so valuable that if I have to leave for any portion of it, those minutes come off my PTO.
#teaching #education #teacherproblems
In an effort to be more culturally aware, the last time I bought random classroom supplies I picked up 3 different 'shades' of Band-Aids - the traditional 'caucasian' version, a darker version apparently intended to more closely match Hispanic skin tones, and a dark brown, which was clearly aimed at Black skin tones.
What I hadn't thought through was that this put me in the position of deciding which one to reach for when a kid asked for a Band-Aid. As an old white guy in a largely Black & Hispanic school, I generally avoid weighing in on "skin tone" discussions - let alone choosing what Band-Aid best matches whoever's in front of me.
Instead, I just pull all three boxes out, which comes across as trying a bit too hard.
Next time, I'm getting Hello Kitty and Batman and such. Problem solved.
#teachers #edutooter #teacherproblems
I wish my kids would pass their semester exams for all the usual reasons - it's important to graduate, it's nice to pretend they've learned something, etc.
But mostly it just takes SO much longer to grade them when so many of the answers are wrong.
(Go ahead, judge me - but you know I'm right.)
#teachers #teacherproblems #edutooter
Winter break begins and just in time-- we have a multi day snow storm and my classroom ran out of the good tissues yesterday. Some students skipped the last day while others brought injera, stew, and sambusa. 80% new kids on January. Gonna miss this group. #winterbreak #edtooter #alternativeprograms #minnesota #teacherperks #teacherproblems
#edtooter #winterbreak #alternativeprograms #minnesota #teacherperks #teacherproblems
I'm in a school auditorium waiting for a play to start. The weather outside is officially "Don't try to drive or everyone everywhere will die." But we're here already, and it seems disproportionately important to several of these kids, so...
It's not throwing my body between my kids and Republican candidates or anything, but I'm feeling quite martyred over here. Also, I should have brought snacks.
#teachers #edutooter #teacherproblems
One more day, one day more to Winter Break. #teacherproblems #OneMoreDay #OneDayMore
#teacherproblems #onemoreday #onedaymore
How stressful is #teaching this year? I’m waiting to hear about a possible heart issue and had such a bad asthma attack yesterday I blackout twice. It’s all stress I know it. #teacherproblems #INeedOut
#teaching #teacherproblems #ineedout
I need a damn drink. #teacherproblems #middleschoolteacherproblems
#teacherproblems #middleschoolteacherproblems
As if we don’t have enough on our plates in Prairie Grove, AR the district used videos in an active shooting drill. They took photos from the teachers FB and social media pages and it looked their kids, grandkids, nieces/nephews, spouses or the teacher themselves killed by an active shooter. Listing the anniversary of Sandy Hook as the date. DO TEACHERS NOT MSTTER? #teacherproblems #teachersmatter #prairiegroveschools #Makeitmakesense
#teacherproblems #teachersmatter #prairiegroveschools #makeitmakesense
Some (hopefully amusing) venting on students copying - not that they do it, but that they do it so BADLY - https://bluecerealeducation.com/blog/can-i-get-copy
@edutooters #edutooter #teachers #education #teacherproblems
#edutooter #teachers #education #teacherproblems