Fury over austerity threat as Hunt rules out extra money for public sector pay rises | The Independent
Even though Sir Ed Davey says he's alarmed at the government's refusal to get around the table and negotiate teachers's pay - adding "they should get very near to inflation"
He is still advocating a below inflation pay rise!, I.e. a real time pay cut.
Great from an MP who has received near 35% rise over the last 10-12 years.
#teacherspay #LibDems #belowinflation #PayCut
Teachers pay offer is not fully funded by government. They keep doing this. Schools cannot go on like this. You cannot fund teachers pay by cutting the pencils budget.
#TeachersPay #UnfundedPayOffers
#unfundedpayoffers #teacherspay
I was a teacher. When I began my career I worked 70/75 hours a week. I worked every evening and weekend planning and marking. I NEVER had a day off from the job unless I was too ill to make it into school. And I spent my own money on supplies for my students.
I burned out and the stress kickstarted my MS. COVID retired me. My hard-earned skills have been wasted by a careless government who does not value my profession. #TeachersPay #PayTeachersAFairWage #teach
#teacherspay #payteachersafairwage #teach
I really don't want anyone anywhere telling me as a teacher of 38yrs that salaries/ working conditions/ hours/ prospects are good in teaching.
If it's so effing great why aren't there masses queuing up to train?
If it's so effing great why are new staff leaving after 5yrs to đo just about anything else?
If it's so effing great why are teachers burning out and taking mental health leave?
Would you like to work with 25-30 teenagers every hour from 8.30 till 3.00 ?
Ill swap with any politician, any day.
Do my job!
#teachersstrike #teacherspay #teachersunion
#teachersstrike #teacherspay #teachersunion
The worst thing about casualisation in UK teaching, is the impression that you never really belong to anything. My loyalty went to the students - the administrations were generally just a hindrance. And who wants to prepare a PowerPoint demonstration if you are not sure whether it will get shown? #teachers #teacherspay
-Government trying to pass legislation to ensure 'minimum service provision' is provided during strikes.
-The government can't even guarantee minimum service provision in normal time.
Public services are on their knees after 13 yrs of Tory asset stripping.
#nhsstrikes #AmbulanceStrikes #teacherspay #generalstrike
#nhsstrikes #ambulancestrikes #teacherspay #generalstrike
@AnEnglishHuman Can we spare a thought for the poor teachers? #Teachers #TeachersPay
I volunteered at my kids' 2nd grade Christmas crafts party today. It was only two hours of the day but was more than enough of dealing with 25 seven and eight year-olds for me. Anyone who talks smack about teachers should be sentenced to do community service as a teacher's assistant. I kneel at the feet of the educators.
#schools #teacherspay #education #teachers
Waiting patiently for the EIS Union ballot result to be announced.
#PayAttention #fairpay #teacherspay