Today I ran a santarun in support of 2 fire service colleagues and a cadet. We had great fun and after the run I ran home again.
Then another (ex-)cadet who had also been running called to say I won 3rd place?! I didn't even realize there was prizes...
#firefightersofthefuture #teacherswhorun
@Mr_n_wood Lovely!
We had a group study activity with our cadets at the fire station: 50min study - 15min cardio (firefighters' edition) - repeat.
(#TeachersWhoRun training #FirefightersOfTheFuture 💪 )
#firefightersofthefuture #teacherswhorun
Third run, slight knee tweaks. What am I doing wrong? #TeachersWhoRun #Running #Couch25K #C25K
#c25k #Couch25K #Running #teacherswhorun
Trying to be less diabetic and one of those people who runs. Small steps. #teacher #TeachersWhoRun #WhoRunTheWorld #diabetes
#diabetes #whoruntheworld #teacherswhorun #teacher
#QD: If you had to pick one: trail or road? (I’ll be honest I could not answer this one. There’s beauty in both) #running #run #marathon #TeachersWhoRun
#qd #running #run #marathon #teacherswhorun
Week 2 Run 2
Another lonesome run but listening to Spanish as I go. #TeachersWhoRun #teacher5aday #mentalhealth #edutooter #Education #C25K
#c25k #Education #edutooter #mentalhealth #teacher5aday #teacherswhorun
Week 2 Run 1 complete.
I'm particularly proud as despite my running buddy being ill, I still got out there and did it. I can and I will! #TeachersWhoRun #teacher5aday #mentalhealth #edutooter @EdRoundtables @Mr_n_wood
#edutooter #mentalhealth #teacher5aday #teacherswhorun
Daily #running report: Track Session Tuesday: couple of 800-400s on the track tonight!
Can't wait to go out!
#running #roadrunning #teacherswhorun #run #marathon #training
I forgot the #TeachersWhoRun hashtag. Teaching at the uni counts as teaching. #running #run
It's dark, it's raining. I can go back to be instead of doing my marathon training, right?
Week 1 Run 3 complete! #TeachersWhoRun #teacher5aday #mentalhealth #edutooter #Education #selfcare @EdRoundtables
#SelfCare #Education #edutooter #mentalhealth #teacher5aday #teacherswhorun
Run 2 of Week 1 #C25K completed! #TeachersWhoRun #teacher5aday #mentalhealth
@Mr_n_wood @EdRoundtables
#mentalhealth #teacher5aday #teacherswhorun #c25k
@MalCPD @Mr_n_wood Hooray! The #C25K is such a nice way to build up and be coached through. Small wins etc. Keeps us updated! #TeachersWhoRun