Já se encontra disponível no nosso website o livro de resumos do encontro "De Famalicão para o Mundo", este ano com o tema "A Educação Histórica e as Heranças Transgeracionais".
O encontro está acreditado como formação de professores e tem inscrição gratuita, mas obrigatória.
ℹ️ https://ihc.fcsh.unl.pt/events/educacao-historica-herancas-transgeracionais/
#histodons #HistoryEducation #Holocaust #HumanRights #TeacherTraining #FormaçãoDeProfessores #EducaçãoHistórica #HistoryInThePublicSphere #HistóriaNaEsferaPública
#histodons #historyeducation #holocaust #humanrights #teachertraining #formacaodeprofessores #educacaohistorica #historyinthepublicsphere #historianaesferapublica
ASL Schools Conference 2023
7 October, University of Glasgow
FREE CPD in language & literature for teachers of English at Secondary, for BGE, National 5, Higher, & Advanced Higher, on
🖊️ Creative Writing
📚 Novels
🎥 Film & TV
🎭 Drama
🎶 Ballads
🔖 Poetry
#Scottish #literature #schools #teachers #teachertraining #CPD #English #drama #BGE #National5 #Higher #AdvancedHigher
Book now! 👇
#advancedhigher #higher #national5 #bge #drama #english #cpd #teachertraining #teachers #schools #literature #scottish
I described in the past that the skills shortage will persist for an uncomfortably long time. The shortage is essentially universal but in some professions the shortage worries me more than in others. The fact that we are running out of teachers is terrible and has terrible downstream consequences in our knowledge economy.
Read my full column here (no pay wall): https://lnkd.in/guwG6Acp
#education #secondaryeducation #teachertraining #demographics #skillsshortage
#education #secondaryeducation #teachertraining #demographics #skillsshortage
Did you know that Global Action Plan Ireland delivers #GlobalCitizenship training in Dublin, Florence, Ghent, Helsinki and Valencia?
#globalcitizenship #teachertraining #cpd
Has anyone used asynchronous meetings for staff PD? I'm considering it and don't want my teachers to just view it as an extra prep. Any advice is greatly appreciated! #edchat #education #professionaldevelopment #teachertraining
#edchat #education #professionaldevelopment #teachertraining
Lesson plan ideas.
Follow for more tips. 😉
#thebrokenworldofeducation #learnwhatcantbetaught #teachers #teachersupport #teachertraining #teacherwellbeing #iteachtoo #teachersoftheworld #teachingtips #teacherhacks
#thebrokenworldofeducation #learnwhatcantbetaught #teachers #teachersupport #teachertraining #teacherwellbeing #iteachtoo #teachersoftheworld #teachingtips #teacherhacks
@bolden @themarkup This has been a trend for a very long time. Students of color have an 80% higher rate of ending up with disciplinary actions for normal behavior than their white peers. It’s worse for minor infractions. It doesn’t help that US teacher education programs focus almost entirely on crowd control techniques with no real instruction in how to teach. #teachers #professors #teachertraining #TeacherEducation #globaleducation #bipoc
#bipoc #globaleducation #TeacherEducation #teachertraining #professors #teachers
#Kenya #EastAfrica #Africa #Education #ChildrensRights #HumanRights #Children #EndChildAbuse #CorporalPunishment #Canning #Teachers #TeacherTraining #Political #Government
#Kenya #EastAfrica #Africa #Education #ChildrensRights #humanrights #children #endchildabuse #corporalpunishment #canning #teachers #teachertraining #political #government
The IHC and the Anne Frank House are bringing Stories that Move to Lisbon!
The training seminar "Teaching about diversity and discrimination in past and present", with Cláudia Ninhos, Karen Polak, and Daniel Kapetanovic, will take place at the Almada Negreiros College on 22 April.
⚠️ Registration ends on 1 April!
ℹ https://bit.ly/3FZP8No
#histodons #StoriesThatMove #TeacherTraining #HumanRights
#histodons #storiesthatmove #teachertraining #humanrights
RT @uclpress_ed
Marchant & Bubb explore the question 'The master's element in initial teacher training: what is its value?' in a timely new London Review of Education article: http://ow.ly/sMxV50MV6jf. #openaccess #teachertraining #highered #teaching #educhat @HughStarkey
#openaccess #teachertraining #highered #teaching #educhat
This Thursday and Friday, the German-speaking community for #invertedClassroom gathers in Chur, #Switzerland at the #ICMbeyond2023 conference to discuss recent developments and showcase latest best-practice around #HigherEducation, #TeacherTraining, #BlendedLearning and #OnlineLearning.
Looking forward to two engaging days in the midst of snow capped mountains. (pictures may follow...)
Check out the conference program: https://icmbeyond2023.notion.site/icmbeyond2023/ICMbeyond-2023-6da690c360c9433eaac387ff1cff3a35
#invertedClassroom #switzerland #icmbeyond2023 #highereducation #teachertraining #blendedlearning #onlinelearning
Global Citizenship Training for Irish secondary school teachers:
All events are supported by Worldwise Global Schools.
#teachertraining #cpd #schools #ireland
How long does it take to train a teacher? The return of the one-year postgraduate course
by Greg Ashman (Australia)
"... Only yesterday, I was chatting to a colleague who complained he was taught all the wrong things about teaching at university and that he had to unlearn them when he started work."
Are you a #teacher interested in sustainability issues?
Get in touch to see how we can assist you.
#BTYSTE2023 #schools #teachertraining #CPD #sustainability #climateaction
#teacher #btyste2023 #schools #teachertraining #cpd #sustainability #climateaction
This was ages ago @oldandrewuk … I really miss these. Still worth a read most of them. https://starterforfive.wordpress.com/2017/11/18/daily-mile-in-the-eyfs-so-much-more-than-exercise-by-madeupteacher1/
#newteachers @edutooters #skolmasto #education #EduTooters #teachertraining
#newteachers #skolmasto #education #edutooters #teachertraining
Interested to see how Mr Sunak is going to have Maths taught in some form until people are 18 - there aren’t enough Maths teachers now so where is he going to conjure them up from? #maths #teaching #teachertraining #teacherexodus
#maths #teaching #teachertraining #teacherexodus
This picture is all too familiar. The focus should not be just on attracting more teachers.
We need to support those we've got. We need to support those with less than 5 - 10 years of experience.
They are leaving teaching in great numbers.
Do you know a secondary teacher in this boat?
Are you a school leader looking for more support for your newer teachers?
That's what I do! Learn What Can't Be Taught has a new program to support newer teachers: 'Refresh and Reload.'
A program for secondary teachers.
Designed by a secondary teacher.
Delivered by a secondary teacher.
Click the link for more info.
#education #schoolleaders #schoolleadership #teachers #teachertraining #change #teachersupport #learnwhatcantbetaught #thebrokenworldofeducation
#education #schoolleaders #schoolleadership #teachers #teachertraining #change #teachersupport #learnwhatcantbetaught #thebrokenworldofeducation
I'm interested in learning more about becoming a yoga teacher, but all of the courses I see are massive 200+ hour, very expensive things. Are there any small, conceptual short courses of a similar ilk? doesn't even need to be yoga tbh, but other body-based, interoception, mindfulness type things might also be good? #yoga #teacherTraining
It is time to 'Refresh and Reload '
#education #teachertraining #schoolleaders
Introducing 'Refresh & Reload.'
This program is designed to help newer teachers navigate their way through the daily struggles and help keep them passionate and keen to stay in the profession. Although it is by no means limited to those with less than 7 years' experience. More experienced teachers will enjoy a 'Refresh and Reload' too.
This is a people orientated program, not curriculum. The focus is teachers and students.
Starts: January 2023
Where: Online afterschool every fortnight
Session length: 60 - 90 mins (5 in total)
Cost: $295
Check my website for the special deals if you sign up before December 31st, 2022.
#learnwhatcantbetaught #thebrokenworldofeducation #education #educationalleadership #educationreform #educationconsultant #educationmatters #change #changemakers #educationrevolution #teachertraining #teachers #teacher #teachershortage #teacherdevelopment #teaching #teacherlife
#learnwhatcantbetaught #thebrokenworldofeducation #education #educationalleadership #educationreform #educationconsultant #educationmatters #change #changemakers #educationrevolution #teachertraining #teachers #teacher #teachershortage #teacherdevelopment #teaching #teacherlife