I'm trying to take advice and input in good faith and with grace but damn it if you tell me to have fun and don't #overthink it my brain is definitely already like a room in a crime drama where they tack up index cards and connect everything with a thousand pieces of red string (or one long one) like I'm trying to find a serial killer.
I miss just doing class. 😥
#teachingbjj #blackbeltwomen #bjjwomen #bjj #overthink
I love when ppl suggest to me the use of a planner because wow I'd never really considered that before. *Moment of silence for all my unused planners*
I've printed off free weekly and monthly calendars. I've bought cute planners, journals, with dates, without, businessy planners. Sometimes i don't write in them at all. Or i use it for a few days, forget it exists, write everything on post-its for 6 months, find it,& think hm i should give a #planner another go.
#teachingbjj #organization #bjj #planner
Teaching note no. 6936:
When you teach your guys a technique maybe let them have it a few times at #openmat before you crush their hopes and dreams. But it IS fun to pull the plug on their move and watch the light fade from their eyes.
We like to joke about a failed technique by saying, "see? Jiujitsu doesn't work!" But i want to keep this as a joke, not make it reality! I want them to succeed. It will involve some crushing, ngl:)
#bjj #bjjwomen #brazilianjiujitsu #teachingbjj #bjjblackbelt
#bjjblackbelt #teachingbjj #brazilianjiujitsu #bjjwomen #bjj #openmat
At least i felt i emphasized controlling the hip and knee as a theme! Next time maybe I'll pick two I'm feeling that day to show after saying one can go under, over or around, the end. I'm a detail person, but i need to condense and think big picture a bit more for beginners. I'm also not a talker so I'm hoping that these times i think I'm talking too much are just a normal amount of talking in reality.
#bjj #openmat #bjjwomen #blackbeltwomen #brazilianjiujitsu #teachingbjj
#teachingbjj #brazilianjiujitsu #blackbeltwomen #bjjwomen #openmat #bjj
I need to refine some answers to basic questions, lol. I may have freaked out another white belt. He asked a rather large question - how do i pass guard. I then proceed to name idk how many specific passes, like giving a lecture, even talking about chaining them together. Oof i wonder how unhelpful that was.
#bjj #openmat #bjjwomen #blackbeltwomen #brazilianjiujitsu #teachingbjj
#teachingbjj #brazilianjiujitsu #blackbeltwomen #bjjwomen #openmat #bjj
but for small folks, that's a really helpful thing to learn. Your teacher is small. Deal with it. (Is how i should feel.) The times i end up being really happy with class are there ones I'm doing my favorite or most used techniques. I guess that makes sense. But also i try not to *only* teach those. I want to give them a wider variety than just what i know.
#bjj #brazilianjiujitsu #bjjwomen #teachingbjj #bjjblackbelt #spiderguard
#spiderguard #bjjblackbelt #teachingbjj #bjjwomen #brazilianjiujitsu #bjj
I can do my favorite sweep, teach them a different than expected way to build the triangle off the failed sweep and then do a funky lasso thing. The only question, then, is how will i fuck this up.
As it happened, it went fine, the uke fell in the expected fashion, and some people seemed to like the variations. Some kinda thought the slow triangle was stupid...
#bjj #bjjwomen #brazilianjiujitsu #bjjblackbelt #teachingbjj
#teachingbjj #bjjblackbelt #brazilianjiujitsu #bjjwomen #bjj
I'm bad at teaching. They don't like me. They don't want to learn from a woman. They don't like the smaller person's perspective. Maybe none of those is even true, but the longer i try to think of a class plan and come up blank, the more the thoughts invade and poison everything.
Luckily, i remembered my teacher's teacher's seminar i wanted to revisit eventually and decided on spider guard for a theme.
#bjj #bjjwomen #bjjblackbelt #teachingbjj #blackbeltwomen #brazilianjiujitsu
#brazilianjiujitsu #blackbeltwomen #teachingbjj #bjjblackbelt #bjjwomen #bjj
--those are great moments when you teach a new thing or help people with something & the light bulb goes off. Weirdly, against my training, my brain tells me to find a new shiny object to make this happen.
But i know for a fact we need lots of repetition. It's how i learned & refined little things here & there each class i saw the technique again. And wowing them just happens as they refine what is to me an old technique.
#bjj #bjjwomen #brazilianjiujitsu #teachingbjj #bjjblackbelt
#bjjblackbelt #teachingbjj #brazilianjiujitsu #bjjwomen #bjj
I woke up tired and sort of grumpy having woken up too early- trying & failing to get a little more sleep till the alarm.
I didn't know what technique to teach or even in which area i should go with - guard pass? sweep? defense? attack? Nothing sounds interesting enough or didn't i do that one last week?
'Interesting enough' - that's another thing i have trouble with. I always feel this pressing need to do something they'll be blown away by--
#bjj #bjjwomen #brazilianjiujitsu #teachingbjj
#teachingbjj #brazilianjiujitsu #bjjwomen #bjj
Teaching feels like i know nothing lol. Taking things apart and putting them together again can be good though. I wonder if it'll become second nature at some point.
#blackbelt #brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsu #bjjwomen #bjj #teachingbjj
#teachingbjj diary, thought # 11874
It seems like im talking the whole time. Entirely too many words. More than i usually say in a day. And i also want to be warm and thank people and say goodbyes so i have to keep making words come out. That part's kind of hard. The #bjj is the easy part. Except when the uke doesn't 'attack you properly.' Lol. I can talk about that another time. I have to get a shower.
#brazilianjiujitsu #grappling #bjjwomen #introvert
Reposted from my mas.to account.
#introvert #bjjwomen #grappling #brazilianjiujitsu #bjj #teachingbjj
#teachingbjj diary, thought # 11874
It seems like im talking the whole time. Entirely too many words. More than i usually say in a day. And then i also want to be warm and thank people and say goodbyes so i have to keep making words come out. That part's kind of hard. The #bjj is the easy part. Except when the uke doesn't 'attack you properly.' Lol. I can talk about that another time. I have to get a shower.
#bjjwomen #grappling #brazilianjiujitsu #bjj #teachingbjj