(repost #Introduction) hello everyone! I'm emareena, author, educator, artist & adult educator for almost 25 years. Wrote the 1st book on #Trauma & #AdultLearning (& 1st practical guide to #TeachingInPrison)
Next up? Rediscovering ourselves as joyful, abundant #AdultLearners as a way to strengthen our teaching practice.
#HigherEd #HigheredInPrison #CorrectionsEducation #Abolition #JoyfulTeaching #AdultEducation #Academia #PublicScholar #TraumaResponsiveEducation #Edutooter @edutooters
#edutooter #traumaresponsiveeducation #publicscholar #academia #adulteducation #joyfulteaching #abolition #correctionseducation #higheredinprison #highered #AdultLearners #teachinginprison #AdultLearning #trauma #introduction
2nd #Introduction for #AcademicMastadon 😃 Hello everyone! I'm emareena, author, educator, artist. I've been an adult educator for 25 years & wrote the first book on #Trauma & #AdultLearning (also the 1st guide to #TeachingInPrison.)
Next up? Rediscovering ourselves as joyful, abundant #AdultLearners as a way to strengthen our teaching practice.
#HigherEd #HigheredInPrison #CorrectionsEducation #Abolition #JoyfulTeaching #AdultEducation #Artist #TraumaResponsiveEducation #Watercolors #Dance
#dance #watercolors #traumaresponsiveeducation #artist #adulteducation #joyfulteaching #abolition #correctionseducation #higheredinprison #highered #AdultLearners #teachinginprison #AdultLearning #trauma #AcademicMastadon #introduction
My turn for an #introduction, so hello everyone! I'm emareena, author, educator, artist. I've been an adult educator for almost 25 years & wrote the first book on #Trauma & #AdultLearning (also the first practical guide to #TeachingInPrison.)
Next up? Rediscovering ourselves as joyful, abundant #AdultLearners as a way to strengthen our teaching practice.
#HigherEd #HigheredInPrison #CorrectionsEducation #Abolition #JoyfulTeaching #Adult Education #Academia #TraumaResponsiveEducation
#traumaresponsiveeducation #academia #adult #joyfulteaching #abolition #correctionseducation #higheredinprison #highered #AdultLearners #teachinginprison #AdultLearning #trauma #introduction
My turn for an #introduction, so hello everyone! I'm emareena, author, educator, artist. I've been an adult educator for almost 25 years & wrote the first book on #Trauma & #AdultLearning (also the first practical guide to #TeachingInPrison.)
Next up? Rediscovering ourselves as joyful, abundant #AdultLearners as a way to strengthen our teaching practice.
#HigherEd #HigheredInPrison #CorrectionsEducation #Abolition #JoyfulTeaching #Adult Education #Academia #TraumaResponsiveEducation
#traumaresponsiveeducation #academia #adult #joyfulteaching #abolition #correctionseducation #higheredinprison #highered #AdultLearners #teachinginprison #AdultLearning #trauma #introduction