For me, I’m thinking about adding a journaling element to help students get their ideas on paper. I am keeping my classroom GroupMe, but adding a policy that folks who correctly answer a question their peers have about content or the syllabus, they’ll get at least 1 point added on their lowest assignment during that marking period. #TeachWorld
Hey! Classes will be in session soon and @teachworldhistory will be back starting Sunday. Our first topic is going to be - what are practices you want to keep using this semester and what’s something new you want to try? #education #history #teachworld
#education #history #teachworld
Hi to all the #histdon folks out there! I am organizing a weekly chat about #teaching #worldhistory from grade 7 through university level. . As a group, we’d decide on one topic or question to discuss for a week. At the end of the week, I’d do a quick summary of our discussion and post a wakelet for folks to refer back to. I’m leaning towards #TeachWorld as our hashtag. What do you think?
#histdon #teaching #worldhistory #teachworld