When teaching the Haitian Revolution, I like to emphasize the role of women as one of the many things that makes the revolution radical. Patricia Brintle has painted a series of paintings of Haitian women.
We also have a panel in the graphic history of the Haitian Revolution.
You can learn more, including more images, about how to teach the role of women in the Haitian Revolution at Liberating Narratives.
#TeachWorldHistory #decolonizehistory #haiti #haitianrevolution
#teachworldhistory #decolonizehistory #haiti #haitianrevolution
@teachworldhistory So, #TeachWorldHistory, let’s talk about community building to create a class that facilitates learning and discussion. How do y’all do it where you are?
@teachworldhistory I’m on my fourth day back but it feels like 40 years. I have a good feeling about this year. I hope to resume discussions for #TeachWorldHistory this weekend. Anything y’all want to talk about?
Worlds colliding, in a good way! (chocolate-in-my-peanutbutter, not astroid-strikes-earth)
Looking through an H21 module on the global silk trade for possible use in class https://www.history21.com/owit-module/the-global-silk-trade/
It includes a link to Smarthistory video on *casta* paintings in New Spain. I love Smarthhistory!
And, I saw these actual paintings at the Minneapolis Institute of Art last week as part of a special exhibit, ReVisión
Another banger (as the kinds used to say) from @LiberatingNarratives :
The images along are worth the subscription!
I also emphasis the history of marronage and resistance from the very beginning. @bramhubbell cites Crystal Eddins who argues that Hispaniola was maroon space for most of its history. French colonization was recent, albeit brutally exploitative. First slave revolt on Hispaniola preceded the Atlantic slave trade.
History for the 21st Century is another excellent resource that I am looking forward to using this year. #TeachWorldHistory
Although the modules ready for education (MREs) are pitched for undergraduates, they could be used with advanced HS students, such as #APWorld
The World History Gazetteer is a great resource for #TeachWorldHistory and #dh
Looking forward to digging in this school year.
First blog post with a link to a Mastodon post, h/t @gamingthepast , and the first with Mastodon behind the "share" button at the bottom.
I wonder how discussing the debates over slavery during the French Revolution itself would help students to develop a more complex view of Enlightenment approaches and the FR.
The dilemma is that I do not want to take time away from Haitian voices. But, I see many World History students who have simplistic notions of the E and the FR.
How do you teach about the Haitian Revolution? In this month's post, I discuss how we can help students understand the global significance and legacies of the Haitian Revolution.
#TeachWorldHistory #decolonizehistory
#teachworldhistory #decolonizehistory
@joeycochran You might find World History through Case Studies: Historical Skills in Practice by Dave Eaton useful. The introduction discusses pedagogy for World History.
Looking for a way to highlight how Indigenous Mexicans participated in the Mexican Revolution? There are many surprising sources, and textbooks tend to ignore Indigenous perspective on the Revolution.
#teachworldhistory #decolonizehistory #indigenoushistory
#teachworldhistory #decolonizehistory #indigenoushistory
#TeachWorldHistory workshop session at #MNHistoryFest on Thursday: https://ebeckman.org/workshop-presentations/re-contextualizing-early-industrialization/
Looking forward to working through narratives of early industrialization with teachers and students!
#teachworldhistory #mnhistoryfest
This was an excellent part of an excellent of PD for folks who #TeachWorldHistory . Thanks for making it available!
@bramhubbell @LiberatingNarratives
Among the many topics that I appreciated in this episode: your contribution to the #APWorld History course (before the most recent rewrite) that emphasized broad key concepts and illustrating examples.
I still teach and tutor the course this way, and others who #TeachWorldHistory (AP) should know that it works well. It is especially helpful for some of my #tutoring students who are drenched with examples in class. They appreciate practicing with a subset.
#apworld #teachworldhistory #tutoring
@historyagainstthegrain @bramhubbell really enjoying listening to this today!
One of my favorite images to teach students about the role of women in the Mexican Revolution.
You can learn more about this image and how to use it in the classroom at Liberating Narratives
#teachworldhistory #decolonizehistory
@teachworldhistory how are you prepping for the new semester? Any recommendations or concerns that you’re thinking about this week? #TeachWorldHistory
I’m going to be working on my syllabus and course calendar tomorrow and over the weekend. Would anyone want to do some coworking? I’m down to actively talk through things or just check in after working in chunks of time. #TeachWorldHistory @teachworldhistory
Great to see the expanding list of graphic biographies for World History from the OER project in an @AHAHistorians Institute today:
They also have a version of "Three Close Reads" for Comics: Which fits in with #TeachWorldHistory discussion on helping students develop deeper literacy: