Dezeen : Parallel collection by Samuel Wilkinson for Deesawat #DonotshowontheHomepage #Outdoorfurniture #SamuelWilkinson #DezeenShowroom #Outdoortables #Diningtables #Furniture #Deesawat #Benches #Design #Tables #Teak #all
#donotshowonthehomepage #outdoorfurniture #samuelwilkinson #dezeenshowroom #outdoortables #diningtables #furniture #deesawat #benches #design #tables #teak #all
The indoor coffee table I moved outside and coated with #teak #oil a few months ago did phenomenal in the tropical storm #rain. Gave it another coat just for good measure and extra waterproofing. Solid wood + oil works perfectly fine. (Yes, another Craigslist special) #furniture
Quick #weekend #project. Took this coffee #table--which was inside holding up a couple of fish tanks, and sanded the top down and put two coats of #Teak #oil on, so we can use this outdoors as #patio #furniture. Probably should have done the teak oil treatment before we used it for the fish tank, lots of water damage. Originally snagged for free off a curb freebie.
#weekend #project #table #teak #oil #patio #furniture
So, gereinigt sind sie mal, jetzt müssen die #Gartenmöbel schön trocknen und dann werden sie mit Teak-Öl behandelt.
Die lauschigen Sommerabende warten…
#sommer #tisch #stuhl #garten #teak #teakholz #reinigung #pflege #garden #furniture #wood #nature #ilike
#gartenmobel #sommer #tisch #stuhl #garten #teak #teakholz #reinigung #Pflege #garden #furniture #wood #nature #ilike
Design Milk : Böste Refreshes the Classic Adirondack Chair + Ottoman #outdoorfurniture #HomeFurnishings #Adirondackchair #homefurnishings #StefanBorselius #outdoorottoman #stainlesssteel #outdoorchair #Skargaarden #ottoman #outdoor #seating #GetOut #chair #Main #TEAK
#outdoorfurniture #homefurnishings #adirondackchair #stefanborselius #outdoorottoman #stainlesssteel #outdoorchair #skargaarden #ottoman #outdoor #seating #getout #chair #main #teak
Turns out that a lot of #teak has been illegally logged in #Myanmar and exported to the #Netherlands for the deck of #JeffBezos' new super yacht.
Why is it that the super-rich have zero ethics? Could it be a necessary shortcoming in order to get that rich?
#environment #logging #timber
#teak #myanmar #netherlands #jeffbezos #environment #logging #timber
Bericht von @lingenhoehl bei blauem Vogel:
Absolute Leseempfehlung! Ganz vorne mit dabei beim Handel mit illegal geschlagenem #Holz: #Deutschland
#Pellets #Teak #Ramschware
#holz #deutschland #pellets #teak #ramschware
Western firms certified as #sociallyResponsible trade in #myanmar #teak linked to the military regime
#sociallyresponsible #myanmar #teak
Design Milk : The Banco Bench Hopes to Enhance Your Experience With Nature #SkagerakbyFritzHansen #outdoorfurniture #HomeFurnishings #homefurnishings #outdoorbench #FritzHansen #HugoPassos #furniture #Skagerak #GetOut #bench #Main #TEAK
#skagerakbyfritzhansen #outdoorfurniture #homefurnishings #outdoorbench #fritzhansen #hugopassos #furniture #skagerak #getout #bench #main #teak
Varnishing weather finally arrived. Took the cockpit tent off and prepped everything on Monday, only to wake up to thunder and rain on Tuesday.
Today the promised sun came, so now everything smells really nice (boiled linseed and tung oil varnish, no stinky synthetic).
I do weirdly enjoy varnishing. Don't ask me to polish gelcoat though.
#Varnish #BoatMaintenance #TheBoatyard #DIY #Teak #Wood #Sailboat
#sailboat #wood #teak #diy #theBoatyard #boatmaintenance #varnish
🌳🛥️ "The Environmental Investigation Agency believes Myanmar teak is still entering the yacht-building market"
💰 NGO research has found that despite #sanctions, the US #teak industry continues to funnel funds to #Myanmar’s #military regime – just to make #yachts for the super-rich.
🔎 Read more:
#sanctions #teak #myanmar #military #yachts
Chipping away the last remnants of the teak deck.
Top tip to boat buyers: Never get a teak deck. New, old, good condition, a few years left or already rotting off - doesn't matter, just stay away from this epic nonsense.
#theBoatyard #boatmaintenance #deteakification #deck #teak
In Mona Lisa Overdrive and previous two books in trilogy many things are made of #teak – sounds like extra luxury for a plastic world of future. The mentions are making me want to spend extra money for new flat decorations. I fucking want a massive teak desk like on picture below now, even if it means 5% of 2-bedroom flat budget.
#teak #books #cyberspace #sprawl #gibson
Replaced a cracked teak strip on the cockpit seating.
The "new" one is actually from our 20 year old teak deck that I removed two winters ago.
#cruisinglife #woodworking #teak #theBoatyard #diy
RT @VidaVerde_NFT
@Liquid_BTC We issue our Avocado & Teak Harvest Right NFTs using Liquid!
Thank you!
#Blockchain #Bitcoin #LiquidNetwork #Earnings #Avocado #Teak #smartcontracts #Harvestrights
#Harvestrights #smartcontracts #teak #avocado #earnings #liquidnetwork #bitcoin #blockchain
EVA foam review, after about a year in place on the boat (exterior step to the cockpit):
It fared surprisingly well and stood up to sun and water. However, the stripes have a gap in the top layer, and things do catch in that gap, which lead to the top layer being ripped off in one spot.
Since there is now also a solid version (without any silly stripes), I would go for that instead.
The stuff is pretty comfortable to sit/kneel on.
#evafoam #cruisinglife #eva #teak #diy #boatmaintenance
Stuck a small test sample of EVA foam on the cockpit sides. Trying to find out how well it will cope with the brutal sun and UV as well as saltwater this summer.
It's easy to apply and very pleasant to walk/kneel on. Although I don't like the water-trapping white faux caulking recesses at all, but apparently it's also available in more sensible continuous sheets (with no faux caulking).
#boatmaintenance #diy #teak #eva #cruisinglife
Teak decks are awesome. 🤬
Most recently, parts of the black caulking have begun to revert to a permanent state of liquid, sticky goo. This then sticks to your feet and you tread it around absolutely everywhere.
#cruisinglife #teak #fail #boat #yacht