Team America: World Police is on the case.
#JudgeMerchan #TeamAmerica #TheDefendant
#judgemerchan #thedefendant #teamamerica
Wait this ain't right
#rap #numetal #rock #kidrock #movies #movie #TeamAmerica #MattDamon
#rap #numetal #rock #kidrock #movies #movie #teamamerica #mattdamon
Ich habe gestern #TheHappytimeMurders angeschaut und bin enttäuscht. Die Film-Idee mit einer Welt in der es neben Menschen auch Puppen gibt, finde ich wirklich gut.
Während der Plot ganz ok ist, verkürzt sich der Film zunehmend auf eine Aneinanderreihung niveauloser Witze.
Fazit: Wer #TeamAmerica mag, dem wird wahrscheinlich auch der Film gefallen.
#film #movie #teamamerica #thehappytimemurders
E qui c'è la versione americana del video russo :thaenkin: 😂
#mastoradio #np #teamamerica #nowar #noWarZ
8/Lo staff del generale è una raccolta di assassini, spie, patrioti, operatori politici e veri maniaci. C'è un ex capo SAS UK, 2 Navy Seals,1 commando delle forze speciali afgane, piloti di caccia,veterani di combattimento ed esperti di controinsurrezione. Si definiscono come #TeamAmerica
We'd like to personally congratulate BOTH parties for decades of being #OwnedTogether, caring more about doing the bidding of Corporatists for self-enrichment rather than representing the human victims they intentionally and negligently create and destroy.
#TeamAmerica #FuckYeah
#Revolution #fuckyeah #teamamerica #ownedtogether