Het mag wat kosten van die malle burgemeester Van Zanen daar in #denhaag. 😅 Al 3 dagen rukt de #politie uit om 'te vechten tegen de #bierkaai'.
Het zou mij niet verbazen als al die inzet wordt betaald uit budgetten voor #training, #teambuilding en #opleiding voor het #waterkanon. 😍
Creatief boekhouden heet dat. 🙄
#waterkanon #opleiding #teambuilding #training #bierkaai #politie #denhaag #a12 #xr
I takové příběhy dokáže napsat #indiedev. Na náš poslední #teambuilding někdo přinesl Doritos Bits... A tomu někomu jsem je nakonec i snědl 😁
Ale nedávno jsem to objevil v místním Actionu, a tomu dotyčnému jsem poděkoval za novou závislost 😂
People often think that the self-regulation techniques I teach as part of my meditation classes are for yoga and meditation junkies. This is a shame. My focus with my courses and workshops lies on using these techniques in every day life in every possible situation.
#SelfRegulation #AddHeart #HeartMath #Work #employees #employers #stress #StressReduction #Resilience #Coherence #Teams #TeamBuilding #WorkEnvironment @consciousliving https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sebtmg_stress-over-time-can-take-its-toll-on-people-activity-7103411035310567427-09uG?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios
#selfregulation #addheart #heartmath #work #employees #employers #stress #stressreduction #resilience #coherence #teams #teambuilding #workenvironment
Unverified Assumptions — Remember, expectations are really just assumptions. And unverified assumptions can ruin relationships, both internally and externally. Be clear, be aligned. #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeamBuilding
#teambuilding #professionaldevelopment
Yorkshire-based specialist textile company AW Hainsworth has been an unrivalled market leader for 240 years.
Earlier this summer they asked me to document their annual company away day at Oulton Hall in Leeds. This was a particularly special event as the company were celebrating a milestone 240 years as well as handing out a range of awards to their staff.
#EventPhotography #CorporatePhotography #TeamBuilding
#eventphotography #corporatephotography #teambuilding
De vrouw is al heel de namiddag op #teambuilding/#personeelsfeest. Dus vanavond is het een vader-dochter avond. #gezinsleven
Ich möchte zu Beginn des neuen Schuljahres einen #Teambuilding -Tag bzw. -Ausflug mit einer 7.Klasse in #Berlin oder Umgebung machen. Kann hier jemand etwas empfehlen? Freu mich über Boosts! 🙏
Sen Xanh Event – Đơn vị tổ chức sự kiện hàng đầu Việt Nam
Xem chi tiết bài viết tại: https://senxanhevent.vn/
Sen Xanh Event - 12 năm kinh nghiệm tổ chức sự kiện chuyên nghiệp
📞 Hotline: 0974.468.391
#senxanhevent #teambuilding
Top 55 câu Slogan cho team building cực hay hay chất độc đáo
Xem chi tiết bài viết tại: https://senxanhevent.vn/top-55--cau-slogan-cho-team-building-doc-dao-cuc-chat-2023.html
Sen Xanh Event - 12 năm kinh nghiệm tổ chức sự kiện chuyên nghiệp
📞 Hotline: 0974.468.391
#senxanhevent #teambuilding # Sloganbuilding
Du lịch team building là gì? Lợi ích của du lịch team building
Xem chi tiết bài viết tại: https://senxanhevent.vn/du-lich-team-building-la-gi-loi-ich-thiet-thuc-cua-team-building.html
Sen Xanh Event - 12 năm kinh nghiệm tổ chức sự kiện chuyên nghiệp
📞 Hotline: 0974.468.391
#senxanhevent #teambuilding #dulichteambuilding
#dulichteambuilding #teambuilding #senxanhevent
Top 20 trò chơi Team building bựa, hài hước, vui nhộn nhất
Xem chi tiết bài viết tại: https://senxanhevent.vn/top-20-tro-choi-team-building-bua-hai-huoc-vui-nhon-nhat.html
Sen Xanh Event - 12 năm kinh nghiệm tổ chức sự kiện chuyên nghiệp
📞 Hotline: 0974.468.391
#senxanhevent #teambuilding #trochoiteambuilding
#trochoiteambuilding #teambuilding #senxanhevent
Notre séminaire d’été s’est tenu cette fois à #Angers ! Ateliers d’équipe, perspectives enthousiasmantes (🤫), échanges avec nos partenaires Empreinte Digitale, visite culturelle et tactile de la vieille ville, découverte des mosaïques Odorico et bons petits plats.
It's past 03:00 AM. Alarm goes off at 06:00 AM. I have no idea how I'm supposed to survive three whole days like this. Guess I'll die 🙃
#teambuilding #workshop
J'ai le plaisir de vous présenter la nouvelle gamme Ludiconcept de jeux professionnels clés en main et personnalisables : #Prévention des risques, #formation, #promotion d'entreprise et/ou d'une gamme de produits, #teambuilding et #événementiel... Plusieurs produits prêts-à-personnaliser pour répondre à différents besoins.
Pour les besoins plus spécifiques, nous proposons des créations sur-mesure. 🙂
#prevention #formation #promotion #teambuilding #evenementiel
Mẫu kế hoạch tổ chức team building chuyên nghiệp từ A đến Z
Xem chi tiết bài viết tại: https://senxanhevent.vn/mau-ke-hoach-to-chuc-team-building-chuyen-nghiep-tu-a-den-z.html
Sen Xanh Event - 12 năm kinh nghiệm tổ chức sự kiện chuyên nghiệp
📞 Hotline: 0974.468.391
#senxanhevent #teambuilding #kehoachtochuc #kehoachteambuilding
#kehoachteambuilding #kehoachtochuc #teambuilding #senxanhevent
Xem chi tiết bài viết tại: https://senxanhevent.vn/top-20-tro-choi-team-building-tri-tue-sieu-hack-nao.html
Sen Xanh Event - 12 năm kinh nghiệm tổ chức sự kiện chuyên nghiệp
📞 Hotline: 0974.468.391
#teambuilding #trochoiteambuilding #gameteambuilding
#gameteambuilding #trochoiteambuilding #teambuilding
~~~ Sommercamp & Einsatzübung ~~~
Dieses Wochenende fand unser Demosanitäter-Sommercamp in Konstanz am Bodensee statt.
Höhepunkt des Wochenendes war neben theoretischen Inputs und Teambuilding unsere Einsatzübung mit insgesamt 7 Teams und 19 Einsatzkräften am Samstag Nachmittag.
Mehr erfahrt ihr auf unserer Webseite: https://demosanitaeter.com/sommercamp-einsatzuebung/
#Sommercamp #Übung #Einsatz #Einsatzübung #MANV #Einsatzleitung #Teambuilding #Demosanitäter #Demosanis #SanitätsgruppeSüdWest #Konstanz #Mimen
#sommercamp #ubung #Einsatz #einsatzubung #manv #einsatzleitung #teambuilding #demosanitater #demosanis #sanitatsgruppesudwest #konstanz #mimen
"For every volunteer that is failing the values test, there’s a whole pool of people around them who are soaking up bad vibes". From "Reconnected". Toxic people have no place in community organisations. #community #communitybuilding #teambuilding
#community #communitybuilding #teambuilding
Onboarding new software engineers is crucial for your team’s success 🔥 Want to onboard new software engineers effectively, efficiently and integrate them well into your culture? Check out this article for some proven strategies and best practices:
#softwareengineering #onboarding #tech #softwaredevelopment #engineeringculture #teambuilding #mentorship #career #news #sap #it #developer #abap #java #javascript #nodejs
#softwareengineering #onboarding #tech #softwaredevelopment #engineeringculture #teambuilding #mentorship #career #News #SAP #it #developer #ABAP #java #javascript #nodejs
Cùng xem Tâm Sen Group gắn kết tập thể của mình trong chuyến Company Trip 2023 như thế nào nhé?
Xem chi tiết bài viết tại: https://senxanhevent.vn/team-building-ket-hop-gala-dinner-cung-dai-gia-dinh-unigen-viet-nam-2023.html
Sen Xanh Event - 12 năm kinh nghiệm tổ chức sự kiện chuyên nghiệp
#senxanhevent #event #sukien #sukienchuyennghiep #teambuilding #Galadinner #companytrip2023
#companytrip2023 #Galadinner #teambuilding #sukienchuyennghiep #sukien #event #senxanhevent