#teamcraftersofmastodon - if my math is correct (if), we contributed 39.5 hours of yarn art and community spirit for charity as of this morning (I haven’t heard from anyone but #knitters and #crocheters so far). We represented the US (both coasts, I think), Canada, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Germany, and maybe others?
I have reports from:
@minib + Dad
I ❤️ us.
#Crocheters #knitters #teamcraftersofmastodon
@minib I did my whole 12 hours just because I’m crazy. I wanted to make things with as many people as possible. I have precious little to show for it in terms of output thanks to the late frog, but I have a happy heart. I hope we can find another reason to spend a day together again. 💕 #teamcraftersofmastodon was really quite a lovely experience. Self-care, charity work, communing with our imaginary but very real, asynchronous worldwide crafting circle… lovely.
@amyshark Well done! Your 7.5 hour shift excellent work plus all the organisation to keep us all on track with hours and a most enjoyable day knitting as part of #TeamCraftersOfMastodon I am only catching up with all of the team who posted knitting time when I was sleeping last night. Thank you for bringing us all together ❤️
#teamcraftersofmastodon we did it!! I just finished my final 7.5 hour shift. (Totally counting the frogging time & time spent finding faithful pattern to restart!)🧶
Thanks to all of our hours, the #knitforfood drive raised about $337,000 USD total for the 4 food insecurity charities to share.❤️
Thanks to mastodon, I had a super cool day simultaneously knitting/crocheting with friends & new acquaintances all over the world.💕
We can tally math & country representations tomorrow. Goodnight!😴
#knitforfood #teamcraftersofmastodon
Sigh. Time to frog. It’s just not working for me. Not very newborn. I think I’ll do the midwife instead. Rip it rip it …. #teamcraftersofmastodon
#teamcraftersofmastodon I’m out for a little bit (TMI: I need to shower and feed the children - apparently, the ones in my house have needs, too!) but I’ve got 6 more hours in on top of what I had this morning. I know we’ve reached our marathon on rough math based on the amazing team efforts, but keep adding your hours and locations because it’s cool. ❤️
I'm taking part in the #teamcraftersofmastodon Craft day to raise money for worthy causes.
If you want to sponsor our team or donate generally, the link is: https://givebutter.com/knitforfood23/CraftersofMastodon
Here is where i left off. I'm picking it up again.
If you'd like to follow what we're up to, just scroll through the #teamcraftersofmastodon hashtag
Ooooh! #teamcraftersofmastodon - we haven’t yet hit our fundraiser goal (totally arbitrary amount - I had to pick one when I signed us up) - but the fundraiser as a whole has totally broken prior records and currently stands at $316,000-ish USD. For reference, last year, #knitforfood raised about $272,000. The funds will be split between Feeding America, World Central Kitchen, No Kid Hungry, and Meals on Wheels.
5 hours left for money or time donations!! https://givebutter.com/knitforfood23/CraftersofMastodon ❤️
#knitforfood #teamcraftersofmastodon
@Cbfoley you are so amazing!! I didn’t think you’d be able to find any time with the move, yet you managed 3 freaking hours and donated. Superhero!!!!! Safe packing, thank you, blessings be upon you, and enjoy what’s left of your evening. With many thanks and cheers on behalf of the awake members of #teamcraftersofmastodon ❤️☘️
@lilmommacrochet cheers, Natalia! I’ve got a cuppa going, too. Welcome to #teamcraftersofmastodon - I’m impressed you were able to chip in with all of the LIFE you have going on. I’m glad we’re hooking at the same time!!! 😘
Knitting on and off today as a part of the Knit for Food Knit-a-Thon #teamcraftersofmastodon https://givebutter.com/knitforfood23/CraftersofMastodon - will post total time later today! Feel free to join in as we as a group are trying to hit 12 hrs of crafting to support Feeding America, World Central Kitchen, No Kid Hungry, and Meals on Wheels.
@FanCityKnits it’s not yet 10 pm where time closes, so it totally counts!!!! Tell us, if you don’t mind, roughly how many hours you put in for the team and where you are in the world. I still have 9 hours on my clock. 🙂. And thank you for your awesomeness!!!! Welcome to #teamcraftersofmastodon - thank you for being part of our community service efforts!!!!
It’s growing. Still not sure I like it, but I’ve got hours to go and I’m assuming frogging time counts. #teamcraftersofmastodon
@amyshark @jkirkendall @PastPresentArts @Cbfoley @DoubleTreble @peejmaybe @onecreativecat @mrvelocipede @MarkRuffalo @emery @knitting @crochet
Socks in progress! Donation made! #teamcraftersofmastodon
Who else is out there? @jkirkendall @PastPresentArts @consumableJoy @Cbfoley @DoubleTreble
@peejmaybe @onecreativecat @mrvelocipede @MarkRuffalo
@emery @knitting @crochet
#teamcraftersofmastodon - for “guidance” & link to fundraising/purpose for this marathon of artistic efforts for a cause. Join in our online bee. 🐝🧶❤️ Go! Post!!
#teamcraftersofmastodon 2hrs this afternoon complete knitting first sleeve plus Italian bind off. Picked up stitches of second sleeve. White fingers tonight but I hope to add another hour with a few rows of the tiny Sophie scarf.
If extra is needed we had a joint effort when dad helped me to frog a sock that I was knitting the gauge was so tight my hands refused to knit any more rounds. 30 mins to rip as it was wool plus Suri! I will report later a slow hour #Knitting #KnittersOfMastondon
#teamcraftersofmastodon #knitting #knittersofmastondon
#teamcraftersofmastodon - 1 hour 30 min in and I need to get some coffee…. I’m trying out a new baby blanket pattern and have got the set up done. I’m enjoying an audiobook as I work - I went back to the Anne of Green Gables series recently so I’m mid-Ingleside this morning.
@amyshark @minib Proof of knitting! I'm slow but pain-free today which is amaaaaaaaaazing. So happy I can join in. #TeamCraftersOfMastodon
I'm delighted to say that my hands are in good enough shape for some crafting today, so I'm joining in #TeamCraftersOfMastodon in the #KnitForFood knit-a-thon today! 🙌 Settling in for an hour of knitting on a shawl. Kudos to team organizer @amyshark for getting us going and to @minib for being the first one (I know of) to get her crafting time in today. Our team fundraising page is https://givebutter.com/knitforfood23/CraftersofMastodon.
#teamcraftersofmastodon #knitforfood
#teamcraftersofmastodon - anyone crafting or making art for the 12 hour marathon to fundraise/raise awareness for those struggling with food insecurity? The idea was we could work together in whatever art form we chose in community- a global, asynchronous, sewing circle of sorts.
I’m getting started on a crochet baby blanket for my son’s soccer coach’s impending blessing. I’ve wound a ball! Woo!!
If you still want to sponsor our team or donate generally, the link is: https://givebutter.com/knitforfood23/CraftersofMastodon