SecurityOnline: TeamFiltration v3.5.3 releases: enumerating, spraying, exfiltrating, and backdooring O365 AAD accounts #NetworkPenTest #TeamFiltration
#networkpentest #teamfiltration
Hello defenders! In my latest blog I set out to test the circumstances in which #MFA could be bypassed using the new #Microsoft365 exploitation and post-exploitation framework #TeamFiltration. Have a read to learn how you can protect user data by implementing MFA correctly 👇
#mfa #microsoft365 #teamfiltration
Is your Microsoft 365 tenant being sprayed by opportunistic attackers? Probably!
I took a look at commonly used Microsoft 365 'attack tools' (including #teamfiltration) and techniques and created a resource which might help you spot attacker activity early on.…
#teamfiltration #microsoft365 #hacktools
Is your Microsoft 365 tenant being sprayed by opportunistic attackers? Probably!
I took a look at commonly used Microsoft 365 'attack tools' (including #teamfiltration) and techniques and created a resource which might help you spot attacker activity early on.
#teamfiltration #microsoft365 #hacktools