範例是我拍了一張傍晚樹林的照片,媒體瀏覽器以演算法計算後輸出成從早到晚的縮時短片,很有趣。 #teamgalaxy #neture #tree
The latest 荒木日報! https://t.co/61AJJSqv3C Thanks to @shinoddddd @c_mos #teamgalaxy #galaxynote10plus
【d公式yg】#iKON x Samsung #GalaxyS10 Launch Event at Manila
Say hello in Manila, Philippines.
Last greeting at Samsung Galaxy S10 Launching event.
It was fun meeting our fans at the new event.
#ikonik #guesswho #teamgalaxy #galaxys10ph #galaxys10 #ikon
【d公式yg】#iKON x Samsung #GalaxyS10 Launch Event at Singapore
Hello Singapore,
iKON has come to Singapore all the way from South Korea in order to meet the brand new Samsung Galaxy S10!
#TeamGalaxy #SamsungSG #dontmissout #specialgift #guesswho #iKONIK
#ikonik #guesswho #specialgift #dontmissout #samsungsg #teamgalaxy #galaxys10 #ikon