I finished 'The Mandalorian' and 'The Book of Boba Fett'. Fett got better once Din and other characters were back in the story. Luke Skywalker, the dude who left Yoda because "my friends need me" giving Grogu the ultimatum made me so mad! Like, the Jedi failed, they failed even before you were born, Luke, and you're going to go against even your own story to recreate that shite? Did you not hear Ahsoka say "I'm an old FRIEND of the family."??? Jedi can't have friends now? Fuck you, Luke, fuck you and the tauntaun you rode in on! The Jedi need to die and I look forward to hearing more about it. Grogu did the right thing, and when he's the most powerful Jedi-Mandolorian wielding the dark sabre, I look forward to him hunting the last of them down. Fucked, you are, Jedi! Fucked, you are.
#TheMandolorian #TheBookOfBobaFett #StarWars #LukeSkywalker #TeamGrogu
#themandolorian #TheBookOfBobaFett #starwars #lukeskywalker #teamgrogu