I joined discord communities. I stood in circles for raids. My campus held a “Get LadyDestinee Pants” campaign where they would let me stay in gyms so I could get enough coins to buy jeans for my avatar. I studied in the corner of the art library so I could reach a gym to stock up on items. I took the commuter rail to Boston for community days. One time #TeamInstinctBoston hosted a dim sum lunch before the event started.
#teaminstinctboston #pokemongo #pokemongo7thanniversary
Got some pics at the beach today - I struggled to get a decent picture with a seagull for Wingull but I also found a cute store that had some pelican statues and this sea turtle shelf backsplash so I could get a picture with Pelipper and Tirtouga!
#teaminstinctboston #pokemongo #pokemonsnap #worldchampion
#Delaware - Had a good time at #RehobothBeach today! I think Squirtle and Pikachu had a great time as well.
#delaware #rehobothbeach #teaminstinctboston #pokemongo #pokemonsnap #worldchampion
#NorthCarolina - Ducklett is having fun playing in this fountain!
#northcarolina #teaminstinctboston #pokemongo #pokemonsnap #worldchampion
Luvdisc poses in front of this mural with a bunch of hearts!
#teaminstinctboston #pokemongo #pokemonsnap #worldchampion
#Virginia - Bunnelby is looking mighty curious at some kale growing in the vegetable garden at #Monticello
#virginia #monticello #teaminstinctboston #pokemongo #pokemonsnap #worldchampion
Cherrim dances among pink blossoms. Are they actually cherry blossoms? Shhh, they’re pink, so it’s close enough. 🤫😉
#teaminstinctboston #pokemongo #pokemonsnap #worldchampion
Task 7: Take AR photos of at least 12 different Pokémon with the animals or objects on which they are based, or artwork, sculptures, etc. of those animals or objects.
#teaminstinctboston #pokemongo #pokemonsnap #worldchampion
#Maryland - We were going to a Chinese restaurant that my parents used to go to before I was born. Took a picture at the town sign.
#maryland #teaminstinctboston #pokemongo #pokemonsnap #worldchampion
#NewJersey - Welcome to the Lake of Rage! Or at least the pond that was behind my hotel lol. 😅
#newjersey #teaminstinctboston #pokemongo #pokemonsnap #worldchampion
#Connecticut - Caught a shiny aerodactyl right outside this rest area!
#connecticut #teaminstinctboston #pokemongo #pokemonsnap #worldchampion
Task 3: Take AR pictures in at least six different states.
#teaminstinctboston #pokemongo #pokemonsnap #worldchampion
The Team Instinct Boston has this World Champion challenge where you have to do lots of traveling and playing Pokémon Go. Each new person who fulfills the requirements gets to add a new rule. The last one to do this added a “Pokémon Snap” rule where you have to fulfill four tasks out of seven offered.
I figured I might as well share the pictures I take!
#teaminstinctboston #pokemongo #pokemonsnap #worldchampion