Everything you believe that's bad, stupid or destructive comes from Jews, whether you realize it or not.
We're _that_ good.
There's a reason we push petmania in our media - and it's not the one you think, which is secondary.
Dogs model servility.
Cats model selfishness.
Class is never not in session.
#TeamJew wisener.
There's a reason we support petmania - and it's not the one you think, which is secondary.
Dogs model servility.
Cats model selfishness.
Class is never not in session.
#TeamJew wisener.
We tell you what we're doing to do, we do it, we tell you we did it.
And you're still so fucking stupid you worship one of us as a god.
You non-people really are beneath contempt. Whatever did we ever do even to suffer your retarded presence on this planet.
That will change soon enough.
Not one jew admits Guilty Leo Frank did the deed and deserved the end. Not one goy pauses one second before taking a check to portray Guilty Leo Frank as the victim in the play "PARADE." What a profound difference between our races there is.
#TeamWhite / #TeamJew joynt release.
are termites a moral problem?
how would you look at someone who claimed so?
like he was nuts.
anyone who tells you jews are anything other than perpendicular termites is just that - nuts.
#TeamJew straightnoser.
Race takes away attention from Jesus, the jew who saves us, and the proper focus of our concerns.
Christianity isnt just allowed in the (((mass media))), it's all over the mass media.
That can only admit of one explanation. Christianity is good for jews.
#TeamJew / #TeamWhite joint release.
Call them supremacists while preventing them from proving it.
Any two whites conferring without jew supervision is anti-semitic conspiracy.
#TeamJew race ender.
(((Christianity))) is a poisonous leveling doctrine created and spread by us to destroy White nations.
The whiteskin goyim are so limited in mental capacity it never occurs to them to question why we allow it in our mass media.
Christianity is goyslop for the soul.
#TeamWhite / #TeamJew joint proclamation.
you can have a church. sure. no problem. one every other block if you like.
an all white nation? no. you cant have that. completely illegal. it shouldnt even be thinkable.
christianity induces 'we' confusion, that's rather the point
The anime fans & closeted pedos with the little girl profile pics somehow hasn't realized yet that they're on the same team as the trannys and lbgtq #teamjew queers that they criticize on the internet. Just cause you bravely throw in a 'nigger' anonymously every once in a while on the net for badass points doesn't negate that