We do not know what's going to happen to things like Social Security, Medicare, SNAP, etc. BUT THIS LOOKS PROMISING:
"Exact details of the final deal were not immediately available, but negotiators have agreed to cap non-defense discretionary spending at 2023 levels for two years, in exchange for a debt ceiling increase over a similar period, sources told Reuters earlier."
If #DarkBrandon holds firm on social, #TeamJoe may have just guaranteed #4MoreYears....
#4MoreYears #teamjoe #darkbrandon
@MattHodges Would #TeamJoe on the campaign site consider adding a Mastodon account? Could be a cool "first" for a Presidential campaign...
he deleted it—I guess bowing to council pressure—but we should never forget what kind of foolishness we catch for making @JohnCooper4Nash mayor of Nashville; it shouldn’t take a city council to stop a high paid bully like @TDucklo: the buck stops with this mayor for the oversight
RT @micchiato
re: the former #TeamJoe staffer now making lots of money in Nashville to taunt Nashvillians not in lockstep with the mayor’s #gentrification p…
he deleted it—I guess bowing to council pressure—but we should never forget what kind of foolishness we catch for making @JohnCooper4Nash mayor of Nashville; it shouldn’t take a city council to stop a high paid bully like @TDucklo: the buck stops with this mayor for the oversight
RT @micchiato
re: the former #TeamJoe staffer now making lots of money in Nashville to taunt Nashvillians not in lockstep with the mayor’s #gentrification p…
re: the former #TeamJoe staffer now making lots of money in Nashville to taunt Nashvillians not in lockstep with the mayor’s #gentrification policies
RT @angienashville
🙃 The Cooper administration has actually made @TDucklo’s tone-deaf tweet fiasco worse.
✍🏼The #MetroCouncilNash letter was accurate & appropriate (co-sign).
🤯 This response could be easily deconstructed for a “How NOT to Do Public Service & Legislative Communica…
#teamjoe #gentrification #metrocouncilnash
“Everybody, everybody, is entitled to be treated with decency and dignity.” — @JoeBiden
in the meantime former #TeamJoe staffer taunts Nashvillians who oppose the cost of a new NFL stadium while his current boss @JohnCooper4Nash can’t even get Nashville garbage collection right
RT @TDucklo
Tough night for the loudest voices in the room.
“Everybody, everybody, is entitled to be treated with decency and dignity.” — @JoeBiden
in the meantime former #TeamJoe staffer taunts Nashvillians who oppose the cost of a new NFL stadium while his current boss @JohnCooper4Nash can’t even get Nashville garbage collection right
RT @TDucklo
Tough night for the loudest voices in the room.
Andrew Ross Sorkin locked down to long? #TeamJoe