Li doesn’t want to talk about the past, where Finn thinks that they should talk about it. He worries about his mom, and he knows that talking could help in the long run. This would also be fitting to mention Jack as well.
#teamli #thefinnegans #boldandbeautiful
Finn and Li scenes are always so enjoyable to watch. 🫶🏻
Tanner Novlan and Naomi Matsuda play so well off one another.
#teamli #thefinnegans #boldandbeautiful
Aww, Li speaks so highly of Douglas. I love how embracing and loving Li is with Finn’s immediate and extended family.
Aww. Kelly drew a picture for Li. So sweet. Love these family moments with Finn, Kelly, and Grandma Li.
#teamli #thefinnegans #boldandbeautiful
I love that Li is not apologizing for what she did for Finn. She’s his mom, and she’d do it all again. Also love how grateful Finn is to her.
Li is so willing to do whatever it takes to put Sheila away, yet she doesn’t understand how the situation has turned so drastically.
Li brought all the confidence and sass today. It was so great to see her.