#introduction (2/2)
I'm also a #UniversityOfLondon #tutor in #computerScienceEducation, working on #graphicsProgramming in #JavaScript & #ObjectOrientedProgramming in #cplusplus. My preferred language is #python which I'm using as a student in #artificialIntelligence, #machineLearning, and #naturalLanguageProgramming.
Current and past #cats will be available on #caturday.
As a life-long #GenX aged person I'm addicted to #PearlJam, #TheCure, #REM, and of course #LeonardCohen.
#introduction #UniversityofLondon #tutor #computerscienceeducation #graphicsprogramming #JavaScript #objectorientedprogramming #cplusplus #python #artificialintelligence #MachineLearning #naturallanguageprogramming #cats #Caturday #genx #pearljam #thecure #rem #leonardcohen #teamoxfordcomma
#introduction (2/2)
I'm also a #UniversityOfLondon #tutor in #computerScienceEducation, working on #graphicsProgramming in #JavaScript & #ObjectOrientedProgramming in #cplusplus. My preferred language is #python which I'm using as a student in #artificialIntelligence, #machineLearning, and #naturalLanguageProgramming.
My current and past #cats will be on #caturday.
As a life-long #GenX aged person I'm addicted to #PearlJam, #TheCure, #REM, and of course #LeonardCohen.
#introduction #universityoflondon #tutor #computerscienceeducation #graphicsprogramming #javascript #objectorientedprogramming #cplusplus #python #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #naturallanguageprogramming #cats #caturday #genx #pearljam #thecure #REM #leonardcohen #teamoxfordcomma