The Bailey Mine in southwestern PA is the largest single source of #methane in the US. Equal to annual pollution from 1.6M automobiles. Plans for power sector CCS, like those advanced by #TeamPA, do nothing about coal mine methane.
Guys, what would you do if this met you when you landed home from work today?
#introduction #fetlife #BLUF25 #Sub #LeatherSling #Batcave #nudity #teampa #teamvers #gay #nsfw #cock #gaybdsm #pupboner #omega
#introduction #fetlife #BLUF25 #sub #leathersling #batcave #nudity #teampa #teamvers #gay #nsfw #cock #gaybdsm #pupboner #omega
I had to re-read that toot too. lol
My 00ga PA horseshoe bounces around as I walk and feels so kinky. The weight of it feels so horny all the time.
I feel your pain in losing the ball but soon you'll be back again.