#TeamRadar has been busy! Measurements from the Goldstone Planetary Radar antenna at Goldstone reveal #asteroid 2006 HV5 to be an oblate rubble pile the width of 10 blue whales! #BetterKnowAnAsteroid
#teamradar #asteroid #betterknowanasteroid
RT @planetarypan@twitter.com
Radio Transmissions Seek to Measure Asteroid
An experiment conducted in Alaska used long-wavelength radio transmissions to hopefully map the mass distribution of a potentially hazardous asteroid.
Read more: https://link.medium.com/79SGHYeTjwb
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/planetarypan/status/1610692598263611392
RT @PlanetTreky@twitter.com
HAARP to bounce signal off asteroid in NASA experiment https://www.gi.alaska.edu/news/haarp-bounce-signal-asteroid-nasa-experiment
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PlanetTreky/status/1607756332630777856
Searching for a reference, I learn that @annevirkki@twitter.com has a Wikipedia page now - https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Virkki .
RT @jtuttlekeane@twitter.com
Léa Bonnefoy—Cassini radar provides an interesting view of the Selk Crater region on Saturn's moon Titan, where NASA Dragonfly mission will explore. Radar dark regions = organic sand. Radar bright regions = rough, fractured, water ice.
(For those unaware: James Tuttle Keane does excellent science art. He has a portfolio at https://www.jamestuttlekeane.com/illustrations )
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jtuttlekeane/status/1605642716653621249
Today on the arXiv:
Seligman et al. 2023, "Dark Comets? Unexpectedly Large Nongravitational Accelerations on a Sample of Small Asteroids" - https://arxiv.org/pdf/2212.08115.pdf
Suggests outgassing from asteroid #1998KY26, to be visited by Hayabusa 2, at a level #TeamRadar could not detect.
RT @PlanetTreky@twitter.com
And here’s a link to the abstract:
Arecibo S-band Radar Characterization of Local-Scale Heterogeneities within Mercury’s North Polar Deposits
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PlanetTreky/status/1604120481413611521
If you are interested in ice on Mercury.
RT @PlanetTreky@twitter.com
I gave my first invited conference talk this week! Thank you for the invitation!
I figured since I did a virtual presentation, I can upload my recorded talk, so if you missed me chatting about radar of Mercury, here it is:
#TeamRadar #AreciboScience
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PlanetTreky/status/1603795885640404992
RT @annevirkki@twitter.com
A new Arecibo telescope and radar could help defend our planet https://thehill.com/opinion/technology/3742685-a-new-arecibo-telescope-and-radar-could-help-defend-our-planet/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/annevirkki/status/1595133760118304768
RT @KumpulaScience@twitter.com
"Planeettatutkimuksen runsaudensarvi", @annevirkki@twitter.com kuvaa jo romahtaneen Arecibon radioteleskoopin keräämää dataa asteroideista. Tutkimus sisältää muun muassa tutkapoikkileikkaukset 191 asteroidista, joista useat voivat olla Maalle vaarallisia. @helsinkiuni@twitter.com https://www.helsinki.fi/fi/uutiset/avaruus/lahiavaruuden-asteroidien-saloja-avattu
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KumpulaScience/status/1593135072689156097
The Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex.
Sometimes used by #TeamRadar.
RT @Marianne_Denton@twitter.com
Explain your banner.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Marianne_Denton/status/1582454884158230529
#TeamRadar approves.
RT @mcnees@twitter.com
When Einstein proposed general relativity he laid out three tests: the precession of Mercury's perihelion, deflection of light by the sun, and gravitational redshift. Irwin Shapiro proposed a fourth test #OTD in 1964: the gravitational time delay of light. https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.13.789