TV-Recaps-Reviews · @tvrecapsreviews
106 followers · 1057 posts · Server
Kari · @kswenger
134 followers · 525 posts · Server

is on the ground in MS, CA, and Malawi. Team Rubicon unites the skills and experiences of military veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response teams. Donate here to help:

#tornado #mswx #teamrubicon

Last updated 1 year ago

AI6YR · @ai6yr
2808 followers · 7144 posts · Server

January Storm Recovery Information for with information on emergency assistance from , plus debris removal from .

#venturacounty #fema #teamrubicon #ventura #california #ojai #matilijacanyon #matilija #cawx #disaster #flood

Last updated 2 years ago

Nomdeb · @nomdeb
1181 followers · 3104 posts · Server

@RedTRaccoon You'll have your network up and running soon I'm sure. FYI, don't forget to hashtag the key topics you want to connect over. On Mastodon you can follow people AND hashtags, so you can see a topic you care about in your feed, without following the entire person. So things like etc. If anyone is searching or already following that tag, they'll find you. :)


Last updated 2 years ago

Nomdeb · @nomdeb
1483 followers · 4660 posts · Server

@RedTRaccoon You'll have your network up and running soon I'm sure. FYI, don't forget to hashtag the key topics you want to connect over. On Mastodon you can follow people AND hashtags, so you can see a topic you care about in your feed, without following the entire person. So things like etc. If anyone is searching or already following that tag, they'll find you. :)


Last updated 2 years ago

Nomdeb · @nomdeb
1181 followers · 3105 posts · Server

@RedTRaccoon Ted Corcoran, FYI, hashtags at Mastodon are (the way I think of them) a form of invitation and consent. So if I hashtag words, I'm inviting people to find me and engage on the topic(s). So to that end, I'm thinking you might want to tag and (so people who might be looking for their former follows can find you. :)) Also . :) And WELCOME. So glad you are here.

#Introduction #twittermigration #allontheline #redistricting #gerrymandering #teamrubicon #veteran

Last updated 2 years ago

Nomdeb · @nomdeb
1483 followers · 4660 posts · Server

@RedTRaccoon Ted Corcoran, FYI, hashtags at Mastodon are (the way I think of them) a form of invitation and consent. So if I hashtag words, I'm inviting people to find me and engage on the topic(s). So to that end, I'm thinking you might want to tag and (so people who might be looking for their former follows can find you. :)) Also . :) And WELCOME. So glad you are here.

#Introduction #twittermigration #allontheline #redistricting #gerrymandering #teamrubicon #veteran

Last updated 2 years ago

Brittany Partridge · @bspartridge
10 followers · 3 posts · Server

Hoping that I can find all my friends here!

Hi šŸ‘‹šŸ» Iā€™m Britt. I currently hail from by way of and I grew up in

I am the Tech Manager for Health and love all thinks and

When not at work you can find me volunteering with Remote Area Medical or as well as telling part in pretty much any outdoor activities

#pinksocks #telemednow #medtwitter #sandiego #austin #MontereyBay #virtualcare #UCSanDiego #healthtech #ClinicalInformatics #programming #teamrubicon #hiking #surfing #biking #swimming #rowing

Last updated 2 years ago

Venya · @venya
120 followers · 454 posts · Server

Got an exercise with county emergency management tomorrow morning. I got into on a whim, which led to emergency management with the county and then disaster response with .

Tomorrow's exercise is going to involve some stuff I'm only vaguely familiar with (WinLink) so it's a good learning opportunity. Then I am helping some people move, and by evening it should be music o'clock again.

#amateurradio #teamrubicon

Last updated 2 years ago