@WiseWoman @timbray We use #Jitsi in our company and meetings with approximately 140 ppl were no problems after we got a two server setup. I can't complain.
The only issues I get are with #Teams (nasty) and #WebEx (horror). Almost no experience with #Zoom yet (severe privacy issues).
Bisweilen behandeln wir #Teams so, als würden sie alles wissen und alles können, egal wie groß die Herausforderung ist.
Warum das keine gute Idee ist und wie die Cognitive Load Theory Dir dabei helfen kann, die kognitive Belastung für Deine Teams zu reduzieren, erfährst Du in meinem neusten Blogartikel.
If my #Teams bubble is green, that means I'm F#CKING AVAILABLE.
I will not drop everything I'm f#cking doing at the moment to respond to your 'Hi' or your 'Can I bother you' message
Just state your f#cking business so that I can decide if its a f#cking priority damn it
#petpeeve #MicrosoftTeams #wfh #teams
Microsoft #Teams doesn't have an archive mode, which makes it extremely ill-suited for use in HE. When the new term for Introduction to Underwater Basket Weaving 101 starts, things that are not meaningful to the new term, like student uploads, are trashed. Nobody retains access to those resources.
A certain amount of access to resources will always be ephemeral. Student's library cards expire on graduation and paper handouts always tended to be destined for the recycle bin. But this is next level. I still own many of the books assigned in my undergrad and have a lot of the handouts from Sonology and still sometimes re-read them.
If students have mostly stopped taking notes and their handouts systemically vanish, what do they have left after graduation but memories and friend networks? Personally, my memory is crap without reminders, like text.
Some argue that the friend networks were always the important part of undergraduate education, but if that's true why not just make it a social club? We're undermining our own value by making our resources so disposable that they automatically erase themselves.
Other platforms, like Big Blue Button are actually designed for education. A properly designed collaboration space would be integrated with #Moodle.
TIL: I can't switch the audio output during a running #Teams call. (NixOS Linux + Firefox)
Whatever I change in my audio settings, audio output is always the output device when the Teams call started.
Jitsi does have a normal behavior: I can switch output device any time within Jitsi or via system settings.
En Europe, les abonnements Microsoft 365 vont être vendus avec ou sans Microsoft Teams https://www.it-connect.fr/en-europe-les-abonnements-microsoft-365-vont-etre-vendus-avec-ou-sans-microsoft-teams/ #MicrosoftTeams #Microsoft365 #Logiciel-OS #Microsoft #Teams
#microsoftteams #microsoft365 #logiciel #microsoft #teams
Great article on #senior #engineers and measuring #contribution instead of #storypoints - I couldn't agree more.
"The Worst #Programmer I Know - Dan North & Associates Ltd"
#engineering #engineers #software #development #agile #story #team #management #dev #complexity #teams #architecture
#senior #engineers #contribution #storypoints #programmer #engineering #software #development #agile #story #team #management #dev #complexity #teams #architecture
En Europe, #Teams sera séparé de #Microsoft/#Office365 dès le 1er octobre : https://is.gd/60peXB
Mal sehen wie sich das im regulären Schulbetrieb verhält. Ich kann ja verstehen wenn man wegen #Datenschutz #Microsoft raus haben möchte, aber wieso dann nur #Teams? #Office, #OneDrive und #Sharepoint dürfen uneingeschränkt weiter genutzt werden.
#datenschutz #microsoft #teams #office #onedrive #sharepoint
Heute zum ersten Mal Videokonferenz über #BBB in #iServ vom Schulamt genutzt, da über das Schulportal #Hessen keine externen "Eltern" teilnehmen können. Es war tierisch langsam, die Teilnehmer mussten sich mehrmals einloggen, Ton und Videoproblem. #Teams hat halt funktioniert 😥
People often think that the self-regulation techniques I teach as part of my meditation classes are for yoga and meditation junkies. This is a shame. My focus with my courses and workshops lies on using these techniques in every day life in every possible situation.
#SelfRegulation #AddHeart #HeartMath #Work #employees #employers #stress #StressReduction #Resilience #Coherence #Teams #TeamBuilding #WorkEnvironment @consciousliving https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sebtmg_stress-over-time-can-take-its-toll-on-people-activity-7103411035310567427-09uG?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios
#selfregulation #addheart #heartmath #work #employees #employers #stress #stressreduction #resilience #coherence #teams #teambuilding #workenvironment
Microsoft #Teams really needs a "mute channel for X time" feature, like Mastodon. It's so annoying when you're trying to get into flow, and a couple of teammates choose that exact time to get into a discussion on a channel you need to stay subscribed to.
You mute it, and then a couple of days later people are asking why you haven't responded... because you forgot to UNmute it later.
Surely a multi-billion-dollar corporation can replicate a feature Mastodon has?
At last, #Microsoft to unbundle #Teams from their #O365 package...
In the meantime, Microsoft has had over three years to completely destroy its competitors and take control of the market... Not because they had the best and/or cheapest solution, but because Microsoft, when the Covid pandemic hit, abused its dominant position and pushed Teams everywhere it could.
01 Net: Teams ne sera plus installé d’office dans les suites bureautiques de Microsoft en Europe https://www.01net.com/actualites/teams-ne-sera-plus-installe-doffice-dans-les-suites-bureautiques-de-microsoft-en-europe.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Applis,Logiciels #Microsoft #teams
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Applis #microsoft #teams
Bin jetzt einmal gespannt, ob das günstigere Angebot auch aktiv angenommen/ bevorzugt wird ...
#Microsoft löst #Teams aus #M365 - inside-it.ch https://www.inside-it.ch/microsoft-loest-teams-von-software-paketen-20230831 #MicrosoftTeams
#microsoft #teams #m365 #microsoftteams
Ask #Microsoft: Are you using our personal data to train AI?
Mozilla Foundation had 4 lawyers, 3 privacy experts, & 2 campaigners look at Microsoft’s new Service Agreement. None could tell if Microsoft plans on using your personal data – including audio, video, chat, and attachments from 130 products, including Office, Skype, Teams, and Xbox – to train its AI models
#privacy #AI #Office #software #Greed #CapitalismFails #data #BigData #Office #Teams #Xbox #personal
#personal #xbox #teams #bigdata #data #capitalismfails #greed #software #office #ai #privacy #microsoft
#Microsoft #Teams Updates August 2023: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-teams-blog/what-s-new-in-microsoft-teams-august-2023/ba-p/3914305
Microsoft trekt niet alleen #Teams uit Office, maar voert ook de verandering door dat zijn veelgebruikte apps Outlook en Teams links naar webadressen niet langer altijd openen in zijn browser Edge.