A sample ‘use-case’ given:
“AngelList is remote first, and part of why it has been able to #scale is because of its focus on #documentation. Notion is where all this documentation lives — providing #guardrails for #structure, while also allowing teams to #customize based on how they want to share #teamspecific info.”
never used Notion, but a 10m read of their site, I see why it’s confusing. It’s a SAS for online businesses.
In SAS (big arse German accounting software Co.) you have consultants who do a business analysis of your work, create the product using s/w to customise input/reporting forms. And it works. Teams would do this, take months, years to do it.
Notion lets everyone define their use in what SHOULD be a ‘single product’ with API and software Wizards to build a custom use.
As it stands users are sold a bunch of vegetables. Now build your custom soup 😫🤓🤪
#scale #documentation #guardrails #structure #customize #teamspecific