Conway's Law spielt besonders für Software-Firmen eine zentrale Rolle.
In meinem neusten Blogartikel erfährst Du, was das Gesetz besagt und welche Schlussfolgerungen Du für die Strukturen Deiner Organisation daraus ziehen kannst.
Das Spotify-Modell war nie als Blaupause für andere Organisationen gedacht, sondern sollte lediglich die aktuelle Arbeitsweise bei Spotify demonstrieren.
Welche blinden Flecken das Modell hat und was Du stattdessen tun solltest, erfährst Du in diesem Beitrag.
I'm so happy that I was able to make more great memories at #CphDevFest this week.
Here are the slides for my talk “Architecture Modernization: Aligning Software, Strategy, and Structure” -
Thanks to everyone who came, and thanks to the organizers. NDC conferences are always brilliant.
#architectureModernization #softwareArchitecture #domainDrivenDesign #teamTopologies
#cphdevfest #architecturemodernization #softwarearchitecture #domaindrivendesign #teamtopologies
#Complexity #SoftwareEngineering #JamesLewis #Programming #ProgrammingAnarchy #Tech #SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareTechnology #SoftwareCycles #ProgrammingCycles #DesignPatterns #TeamTopologies #SoftwareArchitecture #Microservices #Scale #Thoughtworks #ScaleDown #SelfSimilarity #SelfOrganization #Emergence #CorporateMetabolism
#complexity #softwareengineering #jameslewis #programming #programminganarchy #tech #softwaredevelopment #softwaretechnology #softwarecycles #programmingcycles #designpatterns #teamtopologies #softwarearchitecture #microservices #scale #thoughtworks #scaledown #selfsimilarity #selforganization #emergence #corporatemetabolism
"Merely separating teams by geography avoided choosing a logical fracture plane — a key tenet of Team Topologies’ recommendations on finding good stream boundaries."
This reflection on how Docker reflected and refactored their engineering organization based on #TeamTopologies is absolutely worth a read.
Rebuilding and scaling product development at Docker using Team Topologies
@Today was all about books! 📚 Got my copies signed by @trisha_gee for her awesome trio: Head First Java, 97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know, and Getting 2 Know IntelliJ IDEA. 😄 I may have brought a few too many, Trisha even thought I was swiping her display copies! 😂 No blame there. I also gave a copy of a book to a friend, and guess what? An Amazon surprise - Team Topologies arrived in the mail! 📦 Such a fantastic day! 🌟
#Books #Java #IntelliJ #TeamTopologies
#books #java #intellij #teamtopologies
Quick update on my book:
4 out of 17 chapters have passed through copy editing. Target is for all 17 to be completed this month.
AFAIK, we are still on schedule for physical copies to be available this year, possibly 31st October.
Thanks for all of your support. This is a tiring process and every bit of help gives me a tiny extra bit of motivation.
#softwareArchitecture #architectureModernization #domainDrivenDesign #teamTopologies #businessArchitecture
#softwarearchitecture #architecturemodernization #domaindrivendesign #teamtopologies #businessarchitecture
Thanks to everyone who made last night's #dddLondon event a great experience.
Thanks to Schroders for hosting the event in their amazing offices, and thanks to our two excellent speakers @bitboss and Yevgen Nebesov 🇺🇦.
There was a good mix of practical advice, ideas to challenge your thinking, and memes.
#domainDrivenDesign #softwareArchitecture #teamTopologies #sociotechnicalArchitecture #ddDesign
#dddlondon #domaindrivendesign #softwarearchitecture #teamtopologies #sociotechnicalarchitecture #dddesign
Doing some ‘Team Topologies for Managers’ training. My take:
It’s platforms all the way down.
Another way to look at messaging apps—especially ones that connect an entire large engineering org—is through the lens of #teamtopologies and Conway’s Law (cf @matthewskelton and @manuelpais ). These tools are vectors for breaking team “encapsulation” in that they encourage intensely and tightly coupled modes of interaction that actually produce badly coupled software architecture. Boy have I been seeing this happen. 😕
Looking forward to our next in-person DDD London meet-up on the 10th August.
A huge thank you to Schroders for hosting the event and making it possible.
On the night, we’ll have talks from Michael Plöd and Yevgen Nebesov 🇺🇦, along with plenty of chances to network and socialise.
Hope to see you there.
#domainDrivenDesign #softwareArchitecture #teamTopologies #dddesign #swarch #meetup #london
#domaindrivendesign #softwarearchitecture #teamtopologies #dddesign #SWARCH #meetup #London
Discover how to design and build adaptive, socio-technical systems that can quickly adapt to change!
In this article, Susanne Kaiser shares insights on leveraging #WardleyMapping, #DomainDrivenDesign & #TeamTopologies.
More insights on #InfoQ:
#wardleymapping #DomainDrivenDesign #teamtopologies #infoq
architecture for flow - #wardleyMapping #ddd and #teamTopologies
#wardleymapping #ddd #teamtopologies
:awesomeface: Neu im Programm: Unsere
1-Tages-Workshops ermöglichen euch, in kurzer Zeit konkretes Wissen und praktische Fähigkeiten zu erwerben. Remote, interaktiv , praxisorientiert. Mehr Infos zu den aktuell geplanten Themen findet ihr hier: #workshop #microservices #cloudnative #ddd #teamtopologies #wardleymaps
#workshop #microservices #cloudnative #ddd #teamtopologies #wardleymaps
It's official....
@bitboss will be coming to London and speaking at DDD London in August. The topic is a good one: how to combine Team Topologies and Context Mapping.
This will be an in-person event on the 10th August, and all are invited.
#TeamTopologies #DomainDrivenDesign #SoftwareArchitecture #EnterpriseArchitecture
#teamtopologies #domaindrivendesign #softwarearchitecture #EnterpriseArchitecture
If you are currently unwaged / unemployed / facing redundancy / layoffs and would like to join us at #FastFlowConf, please email for a free ticket.
We'll have a jobs board showing open roles.
#fastflowconf #ffc23 #fastflow #teamtopologies
📢 Our full speaker line-up & program is now available on our website:
We have an amazing line-up of talented and knowledgeable humans who have fantastic stories and insights to share 🥳
Join us in London on 25th May for all things #TeamTopologies and #FastFlow
Tickets available here:
#teamtopologies #fastflow #ffc23
❓ What is User Needs Mapping?
💡 Rich Allen will be sharing what User Needs Mapping is and how it can be valuable in shaping and influencing team and service boundaries... All in the name of #FastFlow
🔊 Thursday May 25th at CodeNode, London
🎟️ Tickets:
⏩ Full schedule:
🏅 There are a few sponsorship opportunities remaining:
#FFC23 #TeamTopologies #FastFlow #SoftwareDelivery #CTO #CIO
#fastflow #ffc23 #teamtopologies #softwaredelivery #CTO #CIO
We're delighted to announce that Toli Apostolidis and @andynorton will be presenting 'Field Notes of Flow: Being Accidental Practitioners of Team Topologies'
Tickets available at:
Full details here:
#fastflow #ffc23 #teamtopologies
We’re delighted to announce
@matthewskelton , co-author of @TeamTopologies will be presenting “The Fast Flow Organization - Using Team Topologies Outside of IT & Software”.
Full details at:
#fastflow #teamtopologies #ffc23