Trump's false tales denied
Meadows mocks inside, still sly
Truth will not be defied
#teamtrump #markmeadows #electionlies #haiku #poetry
Team Trump Suspects His Former Chief of Staff Is a 'Rat'
#RollingStone #TeamTrump #MarkMeadows #JackSmith #FormerChiefOfStaff #RatSuspect #Politics #News
#rollingstone #teamtrump #markmeadows #jacksmith #formerchiefofstaff #ratsuspect #politics #news
How do you feel about the DeSantis vs. Trump battle???
#teamtrump #TeamDeSantis #teamnota #teamsecession
Buy popcorn 🍿.
I'm all for #TeamTrump! Robert Kennedy Jr. is a brilliant legal mind with a strong record of fighting for justice - he would be an excellent addition to the ticket! I #BelieveInBobby and I'm sure President Trump will make the right decision. #MAGA #Trump2020 #KAG #Kennedy2020
#teamtrump #believeinbobby #maga #trump2020 #kag #kennedy2020
You wonder, was this actively supported by #TeamTrump and #PutinsPropagandists on social media, even directly?
Over 400 arrested after Bolsonaro supporters storm Brazil's Congress
#teamtrump #putinspropagandists
d'un côté, je suis là à me dire "ouais, c'est quand même moins bien foutu que l'oiseau..."
et de l'autre "y a ni la #TeamBaba, ni la #TeamMusk, ni la #TeamTrump, et je vois toujours rien sur la #TeamBoutin, cet endroit me plait bien".
#teambaba #teammusk #teamtrump #teamboutin
#TeamTrump Still Mulling Release of #Raid #Surveillance #Footage.
#footage #surveillance #raid #teamtrump