World class team here. So proud to be a part of it. #TeamXbox
[I was in Mexico representing Xbox down there so was not able to join the group shot in LA!]
So good. Love seeing Annette and James representing Xbox!
RT @BondSarah_Bond: This is a defining moment. @amgo & @ShoNuff32 sharing #TeamXbox commitment that Gaming represents ALL. In James’ words “We are the caretakers of our future and we must create a space for the unbound ideas that will go on to captivate” #Gaming4Everyone. Forever. 💫
Hiya all! I’m Jessie. I love games and the people who make them.
Let’s chat about #Xbox #culture #games #cooking #science #neuroscience
Looking for fellow #storytellers #creators #designers #catalysts #gamers #TeamXbox
#xbox #culture #games #cooking #Science #neuroscience #storytellers #creators #designers #catalysts #gamers #teamxbox