Getting "runtime errors" in quite often at the moment
#teanglann #runtimeerror
Looking at the entry for "emission" in the #NewIrishEnglishDictionary at, I see the Irish word "astaíocht" (the preposition "as" means "out") and the the expected focus on gases in the examples.
Back-checking the entry for "astaíocht" in the 1977 #FoclóirGaeilgeBéarla at, we see that, back then, "emission" was a term associated with W(ireless) Tel(elgraphy?).
#changingtimes #newirishenglishdictionary #focloirgaeilgebearla #gaeilge #focloir #teanglann #ireland #mastodaoine
Teanglann’s my favourite app/website for Irish.
There’s also a brilliant book by Úna-Minh Kavanagh which gathers together free resources for Irish. Sounds weird to recommend something that costs money but honestly it’s €15 I’ve never regretted as it has details on the quality/content/focus of those free resources. More info here:
#gaelige #mastodaoine #teanglann
@chriscoreline It’s actually having to download the souls of Irish speakers to help in the pronunciation tab. And the grammar wizard is a real wizard who needs waking up each time.
#Teanglann #Gaeilge