Cheap LCD Uses USB Serial - Browsing the Asian marketplaces online is always an experience. Sometimes, you see... - #microcontrollers #hackadaycolumns #teardown #python #ch552 #lcd
#lcd #ch552 #python #teardown #hackadaycolumns #microcontrollers
Industrial Surge Protector Teardown - Surge protectors are a common item in the modern household, but the Meanwell unit ... - #surgeprotector #teardown #varistor
#varistor #teardown #surgeprotector
Rare Arcade Game Teardown and Mods - [Video Game Esoterica] loves a 1990s video game called Operation Tiger. Apparently... - #reverseengineering #arcadegames #teardown #games
#games #teardown #arcadegames #reverseengineering
To cap off the thread, here's the "F/W Upgrade" jumper.
Did this thing need a jumper in place to enter the firmware upgrade mode?
Then what is the point with the external upgrade connector?
Also, yes, I did nab the 32MHz crystal and all of the 3.5mm audio connectors.
You folks are likely gona see those in some future build.
Why McDonald's Ice Cream Machines Are Always Broken and How to Fix Them
#ycombinator #McDonalds_ice_cream_machine #mcdonalds #taylor_company #kytch #mcbroken #ice_cream_machine_broken #ice_cream #fast_food #mcdonalds_ice_cream_machine_broken #iFixit #iFixit_repair #repair #replace #fix #teardown #iFixit_teardown #ice_cream_machine_teardown
#ycombinator #mcdonalds_ice_cream_machine #mcdonalds #taylor_company #kytch #mcbroken #ice_cream_machine_broken #ice_cream #fast_food #mcdonalds_ice_cream_machine_broken #ifixit #ifixit_repair #repair #replace #fix #teardown #ifixit_teardown #ice_cream_machine_teardown
Retro Gadgets: The 1974 Breadboard Project - It is hard to imagine experimenting with electronics without the ubiquitous solder... - #hackadaycolumns #breadboards #teardown
#teardown #breadboards #hackadaycolumns
Turning Soviet Electronics into a Nixie Tube Clock - Sometimes you find something that looks really cool but doesn’t work, but that’s a... - #clockhacks #teardown #vintage #soviet #clock #nixie #retro
#retro #nixie #clock #soviet #vintage #teardown #clockhacks
A Guide to Field Stripping Your Voyager Tricorder #handheldshacks #reproduction #tricorder #startrek #teardown #prop
#handheldshacks #reproduction #tricorder #startrek #teardown #prop
A Guide to Field Stripping Your Voyager Tricorder - For the last few years, [Mangy_Dog] has been working on what is easily the most te... - #handheldshacks #reproduction #tricorder #teardown #startrek #prop
#prop #startrek #teardown #Tricorder #reproduction #handheldshacks
Portable 1990s POS Will Strain Your Back - [JR] over at [Tech Throwback] got ahold of an unusual piece of gear recently — a p... - #mobilephone #pointofsale #phonehacks #teardown #motorola #portable
#portable #motorola #teardown #phonehacks #pointofsale #mobilephone
Opening a Curta — With Great Care - We’ve always admired Curta mechanical calculators, and would be very hesitant to d... - #mechanicalcalculator #handheldshacks #toolhacks #teardown #curta
#curta #teardown #toolhacks #handheldshacks #mechanicalcalculator
Let’s Listen to a Tape — Paper Tape - These days, data is as likely as not to be “in the cloud.” Otherwise, it’s probabl... - #retrocomputing #repairhacks #papertape #teardown #fanuc
#fanuc #teardown #papertape #repairhacks #retrocomputing
All American Five Lives Again - If you haven’t heard of an “all-American five,” then you probably don’t dig throug... - #allamericanfive #allamerican5 #repairhacks #tuberadio #teardown
#teardown #tuberadio #repairhacks #allamerican5 #allamericanfive
Examining Test Gear from Behind the Iron Curtain - Back in 1978, an oscilloscope was an exotic piece of gear for most homebrewers. We... - #oscilloscope #repairhacks #teardown #soviet
#soviet #teardown #repairhacks #oscilloscope
Tivoli Teardown Disappoints - [Fran] has been curious about the innards of Tivoli Audio’s Model One radio, but w... - #homeentertainmenthacks #radiohacks #modelone #teardown #fmradio #tivoli
#tivoli #fmradio #teardown #modelone #radiohacks #homeentertainmenthacks
Vintage Digital Frequency Meter Teardown - You think of digital displays as modern, but the idea isn’t that new. We had clock... - #frequencycounter #digitaldisplay #teardown #racal
#racal #teardown #digitaldisplay #frequencycounter
A little tip when putting a #Psion 3mx back together that you don't have to worry about on the older Series 3 units.
When installing the mainboard, *ALWAYS* have the SSD doors open. The 3mx uses microswitches to detect door state; earlier models just use pads and contacts.
I have snapped off the plastic parts of the microswitches on a 3mx prototype. They are impossible to replace without cannibalising a 3mx or two Series 5 units.
Learn from my mistakes!
#repair #teardown #retrocomputing #psion