Finished #reading Penric’s Labors by #loismcmasterbujold over my morning #cuppatea Lois has added so much #joy to my life over the years; I hope she has a good day today :) (That kind of sounds like I know her personally, but I don’t. Just appreciate her contributions to my life)
PS - Today’s #tea was Roasted Chestnut from #teasource In Minnesota, which is my go to tea dealer lol
#reading #loismcmasterbujold #cuppatea #joy #tea #teasource
Today’s morning mug was Dragonwell green tea from Tea Source. It’s just a really well balanced green, full flavor. Not too astringent, not too heavy, not too light, just a great blend for the morning. #teasource #morningmug
Today’s morning mug was Dragonwell green tea from Tea Source. It’s just a really well balanced green, full flavor. Not too astringent, not too heavy, not too light, just a great blend for the morning. #teasource #morningmug