#TeaToastAndTalk is taking the #Easter holidays off! This Friday is #GoodFriday, and next Friday (14 April) there are other events going on in the Carpenter Centre #Overdale, so unfortunately Tea, Toast and Talk will be skipping the next couple of Fridays.
We'll be back on Friday 21 April! Here are some photos of last week's #bingo session to keep you going!
#teatoastandtalk #easter #GoodFriday #Overdale #bingo
It was great to see so many people turn up for #TeaToastAndTalk on Friday, and we hope you all had a good time!
Remember, Tea, Toast and Talk takes place at the Carpenter Centre #Overdale #Telford every Friday from 10am - 12pm. Come along for a bit of tea, toast, and talk!
#teatoastandtalk #Overdale #telford