Watching the news fauning over the downturn in tech. I hate to say it but this has been a long time coming for the whole industry. Tech doesn't rule the world; they can't afford to keep offering all the amazing perks to 10000+ employees, a good chunk of which are redundant at best and money holes at worse (looking at you Google glass 2.0 team). Plus the culture is like a big nerdy frat group. #techfall #techgrumps #TechBroCulture
#techbroculture #techgrumps #techfall
10,000 people just lost their jobs. First response? 'Let's praise the CEO for not being top tier shitlord.' Ooooooook. #Journalism #ShittyJournalism #TechBros #TechBroCulture #TechEnthrallment #Microsoft #layoffs #MicrosoftLayoffs #WorkerSolidarity #TechWorkers
#techworkers #workersolidarity #microsoftlayoffs #layoffs #Microsoft #techenthrallment #techbroculture #techbros #shittyjournalism #journalism