Ein interessanter Artikel auf @Krautreporter von Rebecca Kelber dazu, wie man erfolgreich eine Genossenschaft gründet. Ich denke, für alle lesenswert, die sich mit Fragen #PlatformCoop, #Cooperative und #TechCoop im Medienbereich befassen, auch für https://molo.news (danke für den Hinweis, @Leifkramp): https://krautreporter.de/4965-so-grundet-ihr-erfolgreich-eine-genossenschaft
#platformcoop #cooperative #techcoop
#CatalystCoop has started migrating our internal #coop handbook out of Google Docs and into public view so other worker / tech co-ops can see how we do things, and so potential members can understand more about how we're organized and how that's different from a typical company. Would love feedback from other co-op folks if you have it! Markdown source is in GitHub, published with Sphinx to ReadTheDocs for now:
#techcoop #workercoop #coop #CatalystCoop
ZeroDark Co-op is announcing their launch: https://nwcdc.coop/zerodark-co-op-launches-the-people-have-the-power/ #platformcoop #techcoop
@polymerwitch@toot.cat I share your interest. Here at social.coop we have recently decided to join https://www.webarchitects.coop/, buying a 100 Euro stake. I am interested in helping people in my area set up a local hosting cooperative that could eventually expand into other services like local internet.