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Docs Repair Cafe
Ever wondered how to fix an annoying itch in your tech setup? This is the first edition of a "Docs Repair Cafe", where users can discuss what troubles them in their current setup. In the process, they'll get ideas and tips on how to fix it from other participants.
#asciidoc #asciidoctor #techdoc #technicaldocumentation #technischeDokumentation
Die @tekom@twitter.com hat einen interessanten #techdoc Artikel zu den Auswirkungen des #EU #GreenDeal auf die technische Kommunikation verfügbar gemacht, in 🇩🇪 https://www.tekom.de/fileadmin/tekom.de/News/2022/2022-12-05_Green_Deal/Fleischer_DIN_EN_IEC-IEEE_82079-1__DIN_Mitteilungen_2022-10.pdf und 🇬🇧 https://www.tekom.de/fileadmin/tekom.de/News/2022/2022-12-05_Green_Deal/2022_12_12_tekom_europe_Article_Fleischer_Green_Deal_Information_for_use.pdf