Gig Review: UK Tech Fest 2023 – Sunday
To see some of your favourite people get to join such events is always a privilege. The last day of UKTF started off with the hum of people quietly recovering from the previous days with the warm and sleepy feeling of a casual Sunday…
So let me tell yo
#GigReviews #Akkadian #BornOfOsiris #Defences #FromHerAshes #InVisions #OceansAteAlaska #TechFest
#techfest #oceansatealaska #invisions #fromherashes #defences #BornOfOsiris #akkadian #GigReviews
Gig Review: UK Tech-Fest 2023 – Saturday
Kicking off the Saturday of UK Tech Fest, I'm introduced to a new mash up of genres. Described as progressive trap metal, SWARM6IX provided the start off with intricate riffs and some maddening vocals that took us
#GigReviews #Aborted #BoundInFear #ChelseaGrin #DraconianReign #HundredYearOldMan #KublaiKhanTX #Monasteries #Swarm6ix #TechFest #Vexed
#vexed #techfest #swarm6ix #monasteries #kublaikhantx #HundredYearOldMan #draconianreign #chelseagrin #boundinfear #aborted #GigReviews
Gig Review: UK Tech Fest 2023 – Friday
UK Tech Fest - 10 years of building a strong, respected event showcasing the finest bands in the metal scene of today, giving underground and newer bands the opportunities to shine amongst some
#GigReviews #BasementTortureKillings #CageFight #Cavekiller #Crepitation #DespiteExile #Forlorn #Hacktivist #Loathe #TechFest #TheCartographer #TheFiveHundred
#thefivehundred #thecartographer #techfest #loathe #hacktivist #forlorn #despiteexile #crepitation #cavekiller #cagefight #basementtorturekillings #GigReviews