Home Network Organization Gets Out of Hand - [SpookyGhost] has a big home network, and has taken cable management and server or... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/14/home-network-organization-gets-out-of-hand/ #cablemanagement #rackmountserver #networkhacks #homeoffice #techhacks #network
#network #techhacks #homeoffice #networkhacks #rackmountserver #cablemanagement
USB-C Cable Tester is Compact and Affordable - We’ve all been bitten before by USB cables which were flaky, built for only chargi... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/11/usb-c-cable-tester-is-compact-and-affordable/ #testequipment #cabletester #techhacks #toolhacks #usbc #usb
#usb #usbc #toolhacks #techhacks #cabletester #testequipment
🐧 #Linux-Tipp: Nutze die mächtige #grep-Funktion, um Dateien nach bestimmten Inhalten zu durchsuchen. Einfach 'grep -r Suchtext Verzeichnis/' eingeben und voilà! Wenn du nur Dateinamen sehen möchtest, füge '-l' hinzu. #OpenSource #Befehlszeile #techhacks 💡
#linux #grep #opensource #befehlszeile #techhacks
Color Can Triple QR Code Capacity - Recently [mit41301] wondered about increasing the data capacity of QR codes, and w... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/28/color-can-triple-qr-code-capacity/ #microqrcode #techhacks #barcode #qrcode #rmqr
#rmqr #qrcode #barcode #techhacks #microqrcode
Für bessere Linux-Systemleistung: Verwende 'nice' & 'renice' Befehle, um Prioritäten von Prozessen zu ändern & Ressourcenverteilung zu optimieren. Beispiel: renice -n -5 -p 1234 setzt die Priorität des Prozesses mit der PID 1234 auf -5. #LinuxTips #OpenSource #TechHacks
#linuxtips #opensource #techhacks
Hey there! Are you ready to supercharge your gaming laptop? Hardware Canucks discovered a neat trick which can transform your gaming experience! Check your laptop settings now! 🎮👾💻 #GamingLife #TechHacks #NextGenGaming What's the one setting on your gaming laptop that you can't live without?
#gaminglife #techhacks #nextgengaming
System Essentially Contradicting American Methods - Today, acronyms such as PAL and initialisms such as NTSC are used as a lazy shorth... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/05/system-essentially-contradicting-american-methods/ #compositevideo #techhacks #secam #video #ntsc #pal #tv
#tv #pal #ntsc #video #secam #techhacks #compositevideo
Updated OSHW Flash Drive Keeps Data Safe, Fingers Dry - For almost a year now, we’ve been following the progress [Walker] has been making ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/06/14/updated-oshw-flash-drive-keeps-data-safe-fingers-dry/ #securityhacks #selfdestruct #flashdrive #techhacks #ovrdrive #usbdrive
#usbdrive #ovrdrive #techhacks #flashdrive #selfdestruct #securityhacks
Hackaday Prize 2023: Low Cost Braille Embosser From 3D Printer Parts - The limited availability of texts transcribed to Braille and the required embossin... - https://hackaday.com/2023/05/31/hackaday-prize-2023-low-cost-braille-embosser-from-3d-printer-parts/ #2023hackadayprize #thehackadayprize #assistivedevice #brailleprinter #techhacks #braille
#braille #techhacks #brailleprinter #assistivedevice #thehackadayprize #2023hackadayprize
Disabling read receipts in #GoogleMessages seems to make a marked, surprising difference on resource usage #TechHacks #Tech #Mobile #MobileHacks #Android #GoogleAndroid
#googlemessages #techhacks #tech #mobile #mobilehacks #android #googleandroid
The $50 Pen Plotter - [Arca] sets out to build himself a low-cost pen plotter that doesn’t require acces... - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/19/the-50-pen-plotter/ #penplotter #techhacks #cnchacks #arduino #lowcost #corexy #grbl
#grbl #corexy #lowcost #arduino #cnchacks #techhacks #penplotter
Self-Destructing USB Drive Releases the Magic Smoke - There were some that doubted the day would ever come, but we’re happy to report th... - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/01/self-destructing-usb-drive-releases-the-magic-smoke/ #voltagedoubler #securityhacks #accesscontrol #flashdrive #techhacks #ovrdrive #usbflash
#usbflash #ovrdrive #techhacks #flashdrive #accesscontrol #securityhacks #voltagedoubler
Dad Builds Frickin’ Tank For His Son - We gotta love hacker Dads and Moms for being so awesome. Sooner or later, their ki... - https://hackaday.com/2023/02/03/dad-builds-frickin-tank-for-his-son/ #internalcombustionengine #mainbattletank #paintballgun #tanktracks #techhacks #paintball #toyhacks #toy
#toy #toyhacks #paintball #techhacks #tanktracks #paintballgun #mainbattletank #internalcombustionengine
And the NASAs get better & better.
This, gang, is ITVX for free without an Apple TV.
Take 1 surplus Andriod tab (with hdmi output).
Mount it behind the 'normal' telly.
Streaming service for free.
I thank you...
Impressive Sawdust Briquette Machine - When you are a life long carpenter with an amazing workshop, you’re going to make ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/16/impressive-sawdust-briquette-machine/ #briquettepress #dustcollection #dustextraction #hydraulicpress #dustcollector #dustextractor #woodbriquette #hydraulicram #hydraulics #techhacks #briquette #hardware #sawdust
#sawdust #hardware #briquette #techhacks #hydraulics #hydraulicram #woodbriquette #dustextractor #dustcollector #hydraulicpress #dustextraction #dustcollection #briquettepress
All About USB-C: Power Delivery - USB-C eliminates proprietary barrel plug chargers that we’ve been using for laptop... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/09/all-about-usb-c-power-delivery/ #hackadaycolumns #techhacks #usbtype-c #usb-cpd #type-c #usbc
#usbc #type #usb #usbtype #techhacks #hackadaycolumns
Turning a Microchip MPLAB Snap Into a UDPI AVR Programmer - The Unified Program and Debug Interface (UPDI) is Microchip’s proprietary interfac... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/26/turning-a-microchip-mplab-snap-into-a-udpi-avr-programmer/ #microcontrollers #techhacks #mplabsnap #udpi #avr
#avr #udpi #mplabsnap #techhacks #microcontrollers
The Spit-Detecting USB Flash Drive is Nearly Here - Regular readers may recall that security researcher and general open source hardwa... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/25/the-spit-detecting-usb-flash-drive-is-nearly-here/ #securityhacks #selfdestruct #flashdrive #techhacks #ovrdrive #usbdrive
#usbdrive #ovrdrive #techhacks #flashdrive #selfdestruct #securityhacks
USB-C: Introduction For Hackers - We’ve now had at least five years of USB-C ports in our devices. It’s a standard t... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/06/usb-c-introduction-for-hackers/ #hackadaycolumns #techhacks #usbtype-c #usb-cpd #how-to #type-c #usbc
#usbc #type #how #usb #usbtype #techhacks #hackadaycolumns
Clever Design Technique Makes Flexible PCB Fit for a Queen - Printed circuit boards can be square, round, octagonal, or whatever shape you desi... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/06/clever-design-technique-makes-flexible-pcb-fit-for-a-queen/ #wearablehacks #flexiblepcb #pcbmilling #techhacks #flexures
#flexures #techhacks #pcbmilling #flexiblepcb #wearablehacks