On #MushroomMonday I want to give a shout out to @agaric , a tech cooperative that builds really cool #OpenSource #CommunityTech #NPTech tools for nonprofits, independent media, community groups and other do-gooders
They also fight politically for #TechJustice as members of @mayfirst and in other coalitions and alliances.
They're a great example of the newly introduced tendency #mycopunk
@FreeScholar was in a badass punk band back in the day and @mlncn defends encampments from police raids.
#MushroomMonday #opensource #communitytech #nptech #techjustice #mycopunk
Yes, Superrr's Feminist Digital Policy is now also online in English!
#designjustice #techjustice #femedtech #femtech
As of March 1, 2023 OpenAI’s API will not be using user-submitted data to train its algorithms, unless you opt in.
As someone who works in tech justice and has been advocating around opt-in consent forever, this is a move in a better direction.
This should have been the case since the start instead of after our data has already been collected.
Small moves, but still moves.
Whether it happens, well, I work with orgs so establish this kind of trust. Let’s go.
We are AI’s creators and it’s casualties.
As someone who works in AI and Tech justice, I want us to be mindful of the incredible power available to us, and also, the immense danger of weaponization and carelessness in that power.
When AI models are created, trained, and applied with care, we have many avenues and opportunities available to us that can ensure empowering, not overpowering, outcomes.
#antioppression #ai #trustworthyAI #aiethics #machinelearning #techjustice
#techjustice #machinelearning #aiethics #TrustworthyAI #ai #antioppression
The reason I go through all of the trouble (they always make it a process) to opt out of facial recognition at borders, on flights, at venues, is not because I’m under the illusion that my images, video, audio aren’t already out there.
It is to advocate for consent culture.
#optout #antioppression #aiethics #optout #AImanifestdestiny #ai #machinelearning #facialrecognition #techjustice #dataprivacy #digitalsecurity
#digitalsecurity #dataprivacy #techjustice #facialrecognition #machinelearning #ai #aimanifestdestiny #aiethics #antioppression #optout
jenifer daniels :verified:
i #design, #build, and #invest in #people, #places, and #purpose | thought partner for hire | 📸 #photos @ jeniferdaniels dot com
beginning #francophile # sois gentil
#WhatUpDoe #GenX #BlackTwitter #BlackMastodon #techjustice #Detroit #placemaking #urbanism #urbanist #innovation #MainStreet #BlackWomenLead
#follow #followfriday #following
#altext #art #Digitalart
Sidewalk Perspective
by Carl J Shoemaker
#design #build #invest #people #places #purpose #photos #francophile #whatupdoe #genx #blacktwitter #blackmastodon #techjustice #detroit #placemaking #urbanism #urbanist #innovation #mainstreet #blackwomenlead #follow #followfriday #following #altext #art #DigitalArt
will this latest wave of tech layoffs add fuel to the #techjustice movement
Gave an anti-oppression class today for an artists’ residency on AI art and ethics.
Early morning human things.
#Antioppression #aiethics #ai #machinelearning #facialrecognition #techjustice #dataprivacy #digitalsecurity
#digitalsecurity #dataprivacy #techjustice #facialrecognition #machinelearning #ai #aiethics #antioppression
Since I already shared what I do when I opt out of border facial recognition, here’s what happens when I opt out of flight boarding biometrics gathering.
And by the way, I’ve been sharing best case scenarios so far. Some cases have been horrific.
#aiethics #facialrecognition #techjustice #antioppression
#antioppression #techjustice #facialrecognition #aiethics
Since I already shared what I do when I opt out of border facial recognition, here’s what happens when I opt out of flight boarding biometrics gathering.
And by the way, I’ve been sharing best case scenarios so far. Some cases have been horrific.
Boarding facial recognition tech typically comes in the form of an iPad-sized screen set up in the boarding gate area.
#facialrecognition #techjustice #aiethics
Really enjoyed this evening's event at Sussex Humanities Lab on Resisting AI: an anti-fascist approach featuring @danmcquillan #antifa #AI #techjustice #technopolitics #STS
#antifa #ai #techjustice #technopolitics #sts
Where’s the best place for #tech #techethics #techjustice discussions?
#tech #techethics #techjustice
Great think piece from fellow tech coop COLET
Towards a Slow Tech Movement: Build for Tech Justice
"Both proprietary tech and fast food play on the same themes of speed and convenience."
"We’d like to believe that when the moment of crisis comes, a movement agitating for tech justice by way of open source, decentralization, inclusive communities of producers, and expanded access to tools will be at the ready."
#slowtech #techjustice #freesoftware
The Colorado Drupal NonProfit Summit is next Friday!
* Free (including lunch and coffee)
* Mix of presentations, lightning talks, breakout discussions and tech clinics
* Network with activists and nonprofit techies
Full schedule and registration at https://2019.drupalcampcolorado.org/nonprofit-government-summit
#techjustice #drupal #nptech #freesoftware
I just learned about https://greenhost.net/
They seem rad!
here are their values:
🌱 sustainable tech choices
🌐 internet freedom
🔒 data privacy
💻 state of the art infrastructure
anyone have experience with them
#freesoftware #infrastructure #hosting #techjustice
MediaJustice is a badass group of artists, creators and techies advancing #mediajustice and #techjustice.
They just launched their new website. I love the design (done by fellow tech coop Design Action) and it's chock full of good resources and actions we can all take.
Here is the technology policy @iwoc adopted. It could be instructive to these conversations happening on how to politicize the tech choices we make.
#coop #techjustice #freesoftware